Principal's Report

Simone Roy

Wednesday saw the first Semester 1 Whole School Assembly, designed to celebrate the achievements of our students to date. It was wonderful to see so many family members in attendance and the number of students that achieved an award. It was a great way to celebrate the end of the semester. Speaking with families and students at the Principal’s Morning Tea afterwards was also a highlight for me. Thanks to Mitch Harris and the Student Engagement Leaders (SEL) for planning and running this event.


While last week it seemed like we weren’t going to have enough teachers to keep the school running, this week has seen planning come together, and the situation is now much more manageable.

Our wonderful staff have moved sideways, picked up, stepped in and this will assist with covering classes. While we have not been able to employ teachers with the expertise required in specific subject areas, we have teachers that will be capable of filling some of the roles that are vacant.


There have been some changes to the subjects that are being offered for our Middle School students (Years 8 – 10), with some not running as originally planned. Impacted students were spoken to this week, and there will still be the opportunity for the Middle School students to make changes at the start of next term.

Instrumental Music

We are still advertising to see if we can find someone to continue the Instrumental Music program, with experience in brass, woodwind and percussion. Until we are able to get someone in, we ask that hired instruments please be returned at the start of Term 3. Refunds will be processed early next term, for any families owed.


The end of Semester reports will be available on Compass for families to download.

While these reports have been released just before staff go on holidays, if you have any questions for the teachers about these reports or your child’s progress, please email them directly and they will reply to you when they can.


Have a wonderful restful break. Term 3 commences Monday 15th July. See you all then!