Year 4/5/5

What a variety of learning years 4/5/6 have experienced over the last fortnight! In geography, Mrs Wailes has had children consider the different environments and technologies that individuals and families use through the lens of a “family swap”. It was a very entertaining way to think about the challenges that others face. One of the challenges families faced was the different levels of technology use, which fitted in nicely with the English task of writing a persuasive text about whether children should have smart phones. It was quite a challenging task for the students as you could see their reluctance to write for the negative, even though they weren’t convinced that giving young children smart phones was a good idea. 


Mathematics learning has seen children using random generators to investigate chance. Chance is quite a challenging topic, especially as the children get older and are asked to convert the likelihood of an outcome into a percentage. Children are using language involving fractions, percentages and decimals. They finished their unit by designing a chance experiment to create a specific likelihood of an outcome. (eg. 20% chance of drawing a red bear from the bag). 


What are the chances that I will see everybody well-rested and eager to learn for the start of Term 3? (I’m hoping 100%) Enjoy the holidays!