Principal's Report

Simone Roy

With the King’s Birthday weekend and the student free report writing day tomorrow, this makes for a shorter week for our students. It comes at a time of the term when people need a bit of a break; especially as this is a longer term. With a lot of sickness early on this term, and Winter only really just beginning, it is important that we all look after ourselves, mentally and physically, so that we can prevent illness as much as possible. Dressing appropriately for this chilly weather and getting enough sleep will also help us to fend off illness.

Evacuation Drill

I want to congratulate the staff and students for their quick evacuation of the school during our drill today. While we still have some issues to iron out, such as ensuring someone steps in to mark a roll if a staff member is away, everyone left the buildings in a calm, orderly and efficient manner.

This provides me with peace of mind, because if our drills go smoothly, then we know what to do in the case of a real emergency. Keeping everyone safe, and preventing injury or harm is the priority.

Exams and GAT

Well done to all the students who have completed exams this week. You have worked hard, remained motivated and it has been wonderful to see everyone doing their best.


Next week, students enrolled in a Unit 3 and 4 subject will sit the General Achievement Test (GAT). This is happening on Tuesday the 18th of June. Part of the main school building will be closed for the day, to provide the students with the best opportunity to concentrate. Students are not able to ‘study’ for the GAT, as per other exams, as it assesses ‘general’ knowledge and skills, but there are past GAT exams available on the VCAA website if students want to look for them. We also ran a practice GAT earlier this term to familiarise students with the overall process and style of questions. Feedback is available from Lisa Bowring if students would like to know how they went.