Principal News
This is my last Newsletter entry as Principal at Banyan Fields Primary School. I have loved my 6 Years as Principal and 8 years in total here at Banyan Fields Primary School. This week I have taken the opportunity to visit classrooms and have been reminded of how amazing our students are. I would like to wish all of our students the very best as they progress through their education journey.
It has brought me great joy to work with a dedicated and talented staff team. The staff at Banyan Fields care greatly about our students and work tirelessly to create the very best education outcomes and opportunities. I would like to thank our current staff as well as staff over the last 8 years for their support and incredible work. As I have said to you before, I believe in you and am proud of the work you do for our student and school community.
I would also like to thank the members of the Banyan Fields School Council and parents and carers who have worked with the school to make a difference for the students of Banyan Fields. Although I am looking forward to a new opportunity I will look back fondly at my time 'On the fields'.
Wishing everybody a safe and happy school holiday break. Please remember that Monday 15 July is a Student Free Day (No students on site). Students will resume school for Term 3 on Tuesday 16 July.