General News

Triple S Day fundraiser
On Tuesday, 4th June Roselea PS had our annual Triple S Day fundraiser. Here is what took place:
Sports Jerseys: Students from all grades participated by wearing a sports jersey and making a gold coin donation. The school grounds were filled with jerseys representing various soccer, NRL, rugby, netball, basketball and AFL teams. Plenty of Roselea FC jerseys were on display too! We will be forwarding $180 to Ronald McDonald House Australia.
Spider Lemonades: The Year 6 sold delicious spider drinks to their fellow students. The money raised will be used to fund the Year 6 gift to the school.
Soccer Match: The highly anticipated Year 6 vs Teachers soccer match was also held during lunchtime. Excitement filled the air as students watched the action-packed game. Year 6 started off strong early with an impressive 2-0 lead. It was then a neck-and-neck battle between the two teams. In the end, teachers emerged victorious with a close 5-4 win.
Thank you to all students for participating in the day. Stay tuned for more exciting events and updates from Roselea SRC!
- Miss Jacob and Miss Betty