Secondary News

24/6Year 9 Service Week 
24/6Year 10 Work Experience Week 
27/6Music Showcase Evening 6:30-9pm
28/6Last Day of Term 2 (2:30pm Finish)
22/7First Day of Term 3
23/7Years 7-10 Indonesian Day
25/7Secondary Pathways Expo 4-7pm
31/71:1 Subject Selection Interviews
6/8Whole School Worship Service

Much Needed Rest

Rest and relaxation are important components of living a balanced life. The Bible also tells us to embrace this concept. But for many students, teachers, and parents, taking the time to prioritise this is difficult. School, our jobs, and the society we live in is always on the go, which can easily make us feel like we are expected to be as well. There is always something that needs to be done – more study, finishing an assignment, meeting a deadline, preparing for the next class, attending the next meeting etc.

We also have a unique way of finding something else to occupy our time, a distraction, and not focus on the job(s) at hand.


However, the Bible tells us that we need to take time out for ourselves - physically, mentally and spiritually. It’s essential for our well-being. In Matthew, we are reminded that Jesus is always there for us and He offers us rest. Our Lord understands the burdens we carry and so offers us an opportunity to lighten our load through Him. 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” - Mathew 11:28-30

Having enough rest means that our bodies can function at full capacity. Rest helps us to heal better from sickness and injury, and it gives us the right amount of energy we need to face each day. Mentally, it allows our brain to recharge and rejuvenate by getting enough sleep, so that we can think more clearly and make more wise decisions. Spiritually, rest enables us to prioritise time to be still and quiet, enabling us an opportunity to be more connected with God, the Holy Spirit, and grow in our faith.

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted on the earth.” - Psalm 46:10

My hope is that we all find time over the mid-year break to rest, relax and recharge and have plentiful amounts of energy to hit the ground running in Term Three. However, before this can occur there is still one week of Term Two to go. During this time our Year 9 students will be involved in a fantastic Service Week program whilst our Year 10 students will be off site participating in Work Experience Week. We wish these students well in these extra-curricular activities. 


Our Year 11 and 12 VCE students have now switched gears and commenced their Unit 2 and 4 studies respectively and no doubt are busy preparing for their next school assessed task (SAC), either before or after the holidays. 


Our Year 7 students should feel very proud to have completed their first full semester of Secondary school. We commend each one of you for your effort and hope that you have made new friends. Last but not least, our Year 8 students continue to develop and mature as a cohort, with many students leading the way competing admirably within our SIS program this term. Thank you all for your efforts!


Finally, to all current Year 8-10 families – please place this very important date and event in your calendar. The 2025 Secondary Pathways Expo is on Thursday 25 July from 4-7pm on North Campus, the first week back in Term 3. 


Mr James Kumnick, Head of Secondary

Year 9 Service Week

We are pleased to once again partner with Blessing Bags in 2024. This organisation is a not-for-profit, run by volunteers and seeks to support and empower people currently experiencing homelessness and those at risk or experiencing homelessness. Their vision is to see people experiencing homelessness treated with compassion while receiving the appropriate support, and for these individuals to have access to safe, affordable and secure housing. 

The mission? To provide people experiencing homelessness with essential items that we often take for granted. We aim for a judgement-free approach to our work to ensure our services are accessible. Since its founding in 2015, Blessing Bags has distributed more than 17, 000 hygiene bags. Providing a little bit of relief and a message of hope to those who need it. We hope that through our efforts we can help the mission of helping those in need.  The founder of Blessing Bags said about her inspiration to help those in need, ‘Now that I have Seen, I am Responsible’. 


Blessing Bag Day is Wednesday 26 June. Our goal is to exceed 600 bags for the day.

Over the coming weeks please drop off any donations to the Blessing Bag collection point at the reception:

  •  Deodorant (roll on)
  • Shampoo (300ml is preferred)
  • Conditioner (300ml is preferred)
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
  • Muesli bar
  • Soap or shower gel
  • Pads (for female bags)
  • An extra item (this can be anything from a razor, sunscreen, lip balm, makeup wipes, lotion, etc.)
  • A handwritten note of love, hope or positivity you would like to share 

Mr Jay Johnstone, Years 7-9 Coordinator

Secondary Pathways Expo

The 2025 Secondary Pathways Expo will be held in the first week of Term 3 on Thursday 25 July from 4PM to 7PM on North Campus. Please join our teaching staff for an exhibition of pathway options for all students entering Years 9 to 12 in 2025. Parents and carers are encouraged to accompany their child to learn more about 2025 subject selections, pathway options and plan for 2025 and beyond. 


Please find the promotional flyer below for your information. A BBQ community fundraiser hosted by the Bayside Family Network will be selling sausages in bread and drinks to raise funds for Secondary PE equipment.  

Any questions can be directed to Mr James Kumnick, Head of Secondary via 



Push Up Challenge

State Youth Games (SYG) is a massive Christian youth event that happens over the King's Birthday long weekend (Friday night to Monday afternoons). This year around 3,500 people attended the event that involves camping, lots of sport and worshipping God in community at the night rallies.


A number of Bayside students attend the event with a number of different church youth groups in the local area. The event runs during The Push-Up Challenge (5th-28th of June), so a number of our motivated team from Bayside continued to do their daily push-ups during SYG. This included some instances at the campsite after long days and even at KFC after winning the volleyball tournament. 


Mr Josh Goschnick, Secondary Teacher

Year 7 OES

A Year 7 OES class headed to Phillip Island for a surfing lesson and experience. Students were led through some water safety instruction particular to surfing, sized for wetsuits and shown how to achieve standing on a surfboard before attempting themselves. This was one of the most successful classes I have seen surfing with up to 6 students at a time sharing the same wave. Well done for the great attitude and skill shown by those who attended on such a wintery June day. 


Mrs Laura Klan, Secondary Teacher

Year 7 Science

In Year 7 Science, students have been learning about mixtures. An emulsion is one type of mixture. Students made mayonnaise, which is an example of an emulsion. Students then used their mayonnaise to make potato salad.


Mrs Kerry Davies, Secondary Teacher

Years 9/10 Food Technology

At the end of May, all Year 9 and 10 Food Technology Students spent a day at Caldermeade Dairy Farm. This was a fantastic day to look at the concept of paddock to plate and the importance of knowing what is in our food and where our food comes from. 


Students were given a tour of the dairy farm, watched the afternoon milking of the cattle, sampled milk straight from the onsite processing factory and had the incredible privilege of watching a newborn calf take its first steps! Students enjoyed lunch from the cafe and greeted the nursery animals before the bus trip home.


Mrs Laura Klan, Secondary Teacher

Year 10 Science

Genetics: Students made vegetable people, discovering how different genetic traits make us all unique! - Mrs Maree Coates


Year 11 Chemistry

The Years 11 and 12 Chemistry classes ventured out one early morning for an exploration to The University of Melbourne. While there, in the Chemistry building, they worked with university researchers, who demonstrated techniques involving complex machinery called spectrometers. They measure different specific components. Students got to utilise the machinery themselves to figure out concentrations of solutions or the identity of these compounds they were analysing. We enjoyed a small exploration of the university and their grounds posthence.


SIS Theatre Sports

The theatre sports championship loomed. We prepared our team, our jingle, and our style. It was such a fun day of being spontaneous, giving things a go, and just getting involved and having fun; we all had a lot of fun. It was great to watch the best of the best from other schools and teams come together, being active and free to be ridiculous, making great entertainment and telling great stories through the art of improvisation.


Miss Amy Partridge, Secondary Teacher

VM Active Volunteering

Year 11 VM Active Volunteering first aid course

The Year 11 Certificate II in Active Volunteering class completed their Level 1 first aid course recently. They learned how to assess an unconscious patient and then perform CPR. They were able to practice using defibrillators, asthma spacers and Epi Pens, along with learning how to bandage and splint injured people. The students did a fantastic job and were all able to complete the course.

New Baby Goats

We have been blessed to have another 3 baby goats born recently and our students are very much enjoying spending time with them. Toni had her first kid and Patricia had another two. They’re being locked away each night to protect them from our foxes (the numbers are thankfully reduced thanks to Stuart Ellam) until they get large enough to defend themselves. Please come and visit the goats on the North Campus if you’d like to.

Years 7 & 8 MTB Riding 

The Years 7&8 students have done an amazing job working on the secondary bike track on the North Campus during community group sessions this term. They raked, dug and whipper snipped sections of the track and enjoyed riding the jumps with their friends. A huge thank you goes to Nigel Kuipers for coming to help the students make the most of this opportunity.

SIS News & Results

Intermediate Girls Indoor Cricket

The Intermediate Girls Indoor Cricket team displayed remarkable character and growth throughout the season, showcasing their dedication and sportsmanship. They had several thrilling close games that highlighted their improvement and teamwork. Congratulations to the team for their hard work and perseverance!

Junior Boys Soccer 

Despite not winning a game this season, the Junior Boys Soccer team demonstrated incredible character and resilience. Each player showed remarkable improvement, working hard and supporting one another throughout the season. Their dedication and sportsmanship have been truly inspiring, and we are proud of their efforts and team spirit.