Primary News

27/6Music Showcase Evening 6:30-9pm
28/6Last Day of Term 2 (2:30pm Finish)
22/7First Day of Term 3
29/73/4 Camp Adanac 
30/73/4 Camp Adanac
31/73/4 Camp Adanac
2/8Primary Assembly (Prep M)
6/8Whole School Worship Service
7/85/6 ACMI Excursion
16/8Primary Assembly (Prep B)

God is in Maths!

Mathematics is a subject that can evoke strong emotions, ranging from great delight to profound  fear. Our response to maths often depends on the quality of teaching we experienced, our parents'  attitudes toward the subject, and the messages we internalised over time. 


However, in Colossians 1:16, we read, “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on  earth, visible and invisible. All things have been created through him and for him.” This means that  God created mathematics! Humans have assigned symbols to God's laws woven throughout  creation. Therefore, mathematics is a tool God has given us to discover Him, His creation, and His  personality. 


At Bayside, mathematics is taught from a biblical perspective. Students engage in activities that  extend their knowledge and understanding, inspiring them to take action. Math is taught explicitly  through methods including open questioning, problem-solving, and project-based inquiries.


 Students  collaborate with peers, question and explore together, make predictions, test solutions, and interact  with the world around them. 


At its core, mathematics is about problem-solving and modelling the world around us. By presenting  students with meaningful problems to solve, we engage them and allow them to apply their learning,  thereby deepening their understanding. 


God created everything for our delight and pleasure, inviting us to discover Him and walk with Him in  loving one another. Mathematics is one tool He gives us to do this. Have fun with some of these open questions:

Mrs Danielle Lupi, Head of Primary

Prep Hands-On Science

On Wednesday 5 June, both Prep classes participated in an incursion by ‘Hands on Science’. Many experiments were conducted that aligned with what we have been learning in Integrated Studies. The students classified materials based on their composition (metal, plastic, rubber, wood) and texture (soft, rough, stretchy). The materials were also tested for magnetism and magnetic fields. 


Water was dropped onto different materials to see if they were absorbent. Bouncing balls to check their elasticity was certainly a highlight! It was such a fun and educational experience learning about the various materials in our world.   


Mrs Nicole Bolden, Prep B Teacher

Primary Learning Support

At Bayside, we are committed to ensuring every student feels safe, valued and supported throughout their educational journey. It is our privilege to work alongside and serve our wonderful students, where every child has the opportunity to thrive.


Our Learning Support team is dedicated to continuously enhancing our knowledge and skills to better serve our students. This term, we have focused on professional development in several critical areas:


Developmental Language Disorder (DLD): Understanding DLD has equipped us with strategies to support students who struggle with language acquisition.


Acquired Brain Injury (ABI): Gaining insights into ABI has helped us ensure students receive the necessary accommodations within the classroom.


Support Documentation Upgrades: We have also upgraded our support documentation processes, streamlining our approach to better track and address the unique needs of each student.


Congratulations to Mrs. Mandy McDonald, who has completed her teaching degree and is now a qualified primary school teacher. Whilst remaining a part of our Learning Support team your child may also experience Mrs. McDonald as their teacher for the day. 


We are thrilled to welcome Mrs. Jodie Turner to our team. Mrs. Turner will work predominantly with our Prep to Year 2 students, bringing her expertise and enthusiasm to our youngest learners. Mr. Morgan Ivory has embarked on a new adventure, taking a position in Western Australia. We are excited for him as he takes on this new challenge. 


We look forward to continuing our work with your children and are grateful for your ongoing support and partnership.


God bless,


Louise Van Niekerk, Primary Learning Support Coordinator

In the Library

There is something for everyone at our school Library: mystery, humour, history, adventure and fantasy genres, to name a few:, graphic novels, fiction, non-fiction, picture fiction, picture books and more.


Borrowing and reading for pleasure are a part of our DNA and are a priority in each Library class throughout the week. Students learn to become self-reliant, locating books using genre and spine labels, series boxes, and signage to access the catalogue through easy-to-use OPAC screens.


This semester, the Library has celebrated our love of reading through two special events.  Firstly, we held Library Lovers Day to coincide with Valentine’s Day. Students were invited to submit an entry to a competition that described their reason for loving a particular book. Some book prizes were awarded and the best submissions have been on display to inspire other readers. 


Students then enjoyed National Simultaneous Storytime. Students from the Early Learning Centre through to Years 1/2 listened to the book “Bowerbird Blues” by Aura Parker. Some wonderful blue birds and bowers were created in classes afterwards as a response to this beautiful book.

In Term 2, our Prep classes have been learning about the different parts of a picture book. Just like us, books have a spine and need to be looked after carefully. Prep students are becoming independent in borrowing, remembering to stack their books in a staircase pattern to allow Mrs Underhill and Mrs Mann to scan them easily.

Years 1/2 students have been exploring the unique characteristics of Fairytales, Folk tales, Fables and Parables. Many of these old stories are familiar to the students, and some are new. Many of these writings are designed to teach children lessons, and it has been fun discussing what that lesson might be.


As we read the story of ‘Bungawitta’ by Emily Rodda together, Years 3/4 gained an insight into life in a small country town during a period of prolonged drought. Our students replicated a scene in the book by making their own sculptures with Magiclay, showing great imagination and creativity.

Learning how to avoid plagiarism has been the focus for Year 5/6 this term in their Library lessons. Students have practised research skills, including highlighting, note-taking, and mind mapping, which can assist them in avoiding intellectual theft. 

We are looking forward to Book Week in Term 3. In upcoming lessons across the term, we will celebrate and explore the Children’s Book Council Australia (CBCA) shortlisted books.


Mr Jennifer Champion, Library Coordinator

Sticks and Stones Incursion

On Friday 14 June, Primary students were treated to a Brainstorm Production, ‘Sticks and Stones’. The talented actors, Kieran and Alex, portrayed a narrative through words, rap, dance and mine in an innovative and fun way. The students watched as the storyline tackled issues of bullying, cyber safety and emotional regulation. 


The whole show was captivating, with important themes running through the dialogue. After the performance, we had a lively question and answer session. It was a fantastic opportunity for the students to learn more and engage with the performers. Everyone asked great questions and listened carefully to the answers. The students were wonderful, sitting beautifully and showing great enthusiasm the entire time. It was a truly enjoyable and valuable experience for all!


Mrs Carolyn Johnson, Primary Teacher 

Weekly Jogging Club 

Sessions run every Monday at lunchtime and every Friday morning from 8:15am to 8:45am on the oval 

We're excited to announce that our Jogging Club continues to thrive, thanks to our dedicated members! Whether you're looking to boost your fitness, enjoy the fresh air, or meet new friends, our club offers the perfect opportunity to do so.


Join us for these invigorating sessions and start your week on the right foot. All skill levels are welcome, so lace up your running shoes and come enjoy the camaraderie and health benefits of jogging with us!


Mr Zacc Klan, Primary PE Coordinator

Year 5/6 Winter Sports Lightning Premiership Day 

Mixed Netball

On Wednesday 12 June, Bayside Christian College competed in the Lightning Premiership. I played netball in the mixed team. There was also a girl’s team. The competition was held at the Jubilee Park netball complex. My most played positions were centre and goal attack. 

Many of our team members arrived feeling a little nervous, but felt those nerves lift after the first game.


The mixed netball team won all nine of our games and finished as the overall winners. Most of our opposing teams scored zero points, except one, who shot very lucky goal from the top of the semi-circle. We aren’t sure on what the girls team placed, but they definitely played very well when the mixed team had the opportunity to watch them play their second game. I am very proud of myself, my team and the girls team as we did absolutely amazing and played to the best of our abilities. - Kailey Nolen


Girls Netball

We were at Jubilee Park to play netball.

I was in the girls’ team and we played 8 games in total. We won 5 of them, lost 3 and drew once. I played the position of wing attack mostly, but I also played wing defence for a half and centre for another half. It was really fun and I enjoyed the experience very much. - Ruby Murphy


AFL Football 

On Wednesday 12 of June, I went to Ballam Park to participate in the Lightning Premiership day. I played AFL footy. We played 7 games overall. We lost 2 in a row, won three in a row, had a draw and then 1 more loss. I mostly played in the positions full forward and full back. We came third in division one. - James Whelan


Girls’ Soccer

Today, we went to the Lightning Premiership. I was in the girls’ soccer team with most of my friends. It was fun from the start. We were a bit late, but that didn’t matter (one of the buses didn’t turn up). We won 6 games and drew 3. Our first goal was scored by Poppy, then I scored one. Some other people who scored during the day were Leilani, Mikayla and Emily. After we finished playing, we were longing for the presentation. We thought we had a chance at coming Top 5 but we actually won! It was an experience I will never forget. - Portia McDermott


Boys’ Soccer

On the 12th of June, we got to go to Ballam Park Soccer Ground ground for the Grade 5/6 Lightning Premiership. We played a total of 9 teams. I was a defender and a goalie. At the end of the day, we had drawn 3 times, won 2 times and lost 4 times. Overall, we came 4th and the girls team came first for the first time ever in the time the school has been around.  - Jack Williams