Learning & Teaching

Learning from Hubs

3-6 Discovery Project Launch Afternoon - Monday 17th June



On Monday afternoon our Year 3-6 children launched their Discovery Projects to the community. We were in awe of the topics and skills the children chose for their projects. Their effort and enthusiasm were evident as they shared their passions with their peers and families. Thank you to all the families who attended, interacted and gave feedback to all the children. It was an exceptional encounter for them. We look forward to seeing our educators continue to support our children throughout the remainder of the year. 



Handwriting - Scope and Sequence

We have completed the St. John’s progression of Handwriting & Technology from Pre Foundation to Level Six (see snapshot below). It has been a great opportunity for educators to engage in some robust discussions around values and curriculum interpretations of handwriting and technology use. We not only considered our children’s needs now but also as flourishing adults in the future. As highlighted in our previous newsletters, educators have been explicitly teaching handwriting with children according to what they have been able to achieve on our progression of learning. We hope you have begun to notice a difference at home! We will continue to monitor and review this initiative and embark on further literacy professional development opportunities, as well as refocusing our attention to Mathematics as this year we committed to a deeper dive in this learning area.

If you have any further wonderings or comments about this area, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s Learning Leader.


Learning Overviews - changes for Term 3


In Term 3, Hub educators will continue to share a weekly update detailing the learning focus for the following week. These updates offer valuable opportunities to engage in conversations with your child about their learning experiences in their Hub and to encourage them to share their new insights from the week. Specialist educators will continue to share the learning focus for the term as part of the Termly Curriculum Overviews. If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to contact the Learning and Teaching leaders; Lauren, Amy and Jenna.



Upcoming Sacraments:

Term 3 - First Communion (Year 3 children)

  • Family Faith Formation Night Tuesday 6th August at 6pm @ Our Lady’s Church Maidstone 
  • Presentation of candidates of First Communion - Saturday 10th Aug 5pm @ Our Lady’s Church Maidstone

Sacrament of Eucharist - Saturday 17th Aug 5pm @ Our Lady’s Church Maidstone