Teaching and Learning

News From Miss Roedigger- Alice In Wonderland
This event was a huge success and our students did an outstanding job performing to our sizeable audience. They should be very proud of themselves and the efforts they all went to in order to learn their lines, cues and entertain our audience.
A special thank you to Miss Sarah Roedigger who spent a great deal of time last term, putting this performance together.
It was so wonderful to see such a large audience on the final day of term and I know that the students got a huge thrill to perform to so many people.
Music in Term 3
As you may already know, our students participate in Mindfulness sessions four days each week. These sessions see the students come in from their lunch break at 1:45pm and are guided through a range of activities to calm the body, expand the mind and work on gross and fine motor skills. This term Mr Collins and Miss Duffy will be utilising this time to provide our students with music sessions. Miss Duffy will concentrate on music appreciation and awareness activities whilst Mr Collins will be leading our students through some percussion and music making activities.
P-2 News from Miss Duffy
This Term in Integrated Studies we will be studying Indigenous Australian culture, contributions, history and stories. Our Mentor Texts will focus on Dreamtime Stories as well as narratives that include Indigenous Australian characters. Much of our writing will be in narrative and information report type format that has used our weekly Mentor Texts as a stimulus for our ideas. We can not wait to share our learning and work with you all, so stay tuned to our newsletter and Facebook page for pictures and information about our learning.
Our Numeracy lessons will have an extremely strong number focus and we will be working on further developing our counting, sequencing and calculations skills as well as problem solving.
Last term our P-2 students we busy in their Thursday Numeracy Sessions with Miss Roediger. The students created their own zoo maps. They had to place their animals, pathways and facilities on their map; they then went on to include a key and grid references. They sure were proud of their efforts.
Year 3-6 News from Mr Collins
Welcome back everyone. We're only 2 days in but have hit the ground running. We managed to get our wall dismantled to prepare for our term 3 topic which is Indigenous Australia. For reading we are still practicing our speech delivery in preparation for the practice this Friday, and the competition next Sunday. In writing we are following the writing process to craft our own narratives. In maths we are finalising both place value and time, along with studying data collection and representation. Busy, busy, BUSY
Art News from Miss Duffy
This term sees us working in the area of Textiles. We will be using different materials to create a range of different art works including puppets, bowls and wall hangings. We will also be creating our entries for the annual Coliban Water, Water Week Poster Competition.
Below are some photos of the embossed birds that the students made at the end of last term. They worked hard to create different patterns and lines to ensure their bird was unique. These birds are hanging in our art room and look beautiful when they catch the sunlight as they sway back and forth.
MARC News from Mrs Gentry
Students had a wonderful session in the final week of Term 2.