School News

Friday Catch ups
A reminder to families and community members that Friday afternoon cuppa and catch-ups are back.
Join us every second Friday for great conversation, light snacks and a warm cuppa.
All are welcome.
We look forward to seeing you there at the next catch-up on the 2nd of August.
London Shire Healthy Minds Competition
A quick reminder that the Loddon Shire Health Minds Art Competition submissions are due back to school by Friday, 2nd August.
At the moment, we have three entries, but we would love for more students to submit their colouring sheets or art projects, as there are some amazing prizes up for grabs.
If you require another entry form or a colouring sheet, please get in touch with Miss Fenwick.
National School Tree Planting Day
Students and staff participated in National Tree Planting Day today. Over 3,000 schools and early learning centres participated in this initiative, planting trees or helping with regeneration at vulnerable vegetation sites.
Students learned how revegetation rejuvenates the environment and provides food and shelter for native wildlife.
This is a great way to inspire students to think about the environment and how their actions impact it.
Firefighting training
Staff met with James O'Brien from CES, a volunteer firefighter and brigade Captain at Kangaroo Flat CFA. James worked with staff to improve their fire response skills and knowledge. Through this workshop, all staff learned the practical steps of using a fire extinguisher, with a bit of competition to inspire us.
School Photos
This is a reminder to parents that School Photos are quickly approaching, with only two weeks to go. Full winter uniform is required, and Leadership students are encouraged to wear their badges.