Year 5 Update

5A-Ms Hughes
5B Ms Stillitano
5C Ms Webster
5D-Ms Borham
5E-Ms Ziino
5A-Ms Hughes
5B Ms Stillitano
5C Ms Webster
5D-Ms Borham
5E-Ms Ziino

Upcoming Learning for Term 3  Weeks 2&3

  • Reading - To identify the difference between the main idea, theme and moral of a text.
  • Writing- To plan, research, draft and publish a biography on a person of interest.
  • Maths- To strengthen our repertoire of addition strategies.
  • Inquiry- To  develop our understanding of Indigenous culture and key events in history.
  • Social and Emotional Learning-To explore the concept of racism and how to respond to it.


Over the coming weeks, Year 5 students will take advantage of the learning opportunities supported by the 2024 Olympics. Some of the learning tasks we look forward to include;

  • Reading- learning about the history of the modern Olympics, the traditions and researching an Olympian.
  • Writing- exploring the art of letter writing by drafting a letter to an Olympian. 
  • Maths- undertaking an authentic project focused on planning and budgeting for a 5 night trip to Paris to attend the Olympics, taking flights, accommodation, time differences and exchange rates into consideration as well as opportunities to explore the geographical locations of participating countries through mapping tasks.

Plastic Free July

Well done to those students and families who have embraced our school's initiative of reducing waste. It has been uplifting to see our students making changes to the way they prepare their snacks/lunches. A small shift in mindset has gone a long way! 

A big thank you to Ms Dunstan for our Sistema containers! Year 5 students love them!



Upcoming Events

Sovereign Hill excursion (27th August)

A reminder this event needs permission on Compass for your child to attend.

Hillsmeade Heroes

Congratulations to our Hillsmeade Heroes for this fortnight:

5A-  Mia & Ethan

5B-  Zac

5C- Josh & Jayda

5D- Ahoora, Lucas & Ashar

5E-  Emily & Hayden



Last week students had the opportunity to visit the Casey 360 bus, where after a brief presentation on the services available, students were able to engage with the technology on board the bus. 




  • A focus of Year 5 is developing speed and fluency with multiplication facts. Students are encouraged to learn their multiplication and division facts to support them with other areas of Mathematics as the year progresses. 
  • Reading each night is an ongoing expectation. Reading can be tracked in students' diaries or through Epic.
  • To support our Inquiry focus this term, students will have weekly tasks to complete focused on a key person in Australian history. A copy of the homework tasks have been provided to students and can be accessed on their Teams class page.