Year 1 Update

1A-Ms Beamish
1B-Ms Floyd
1C-Ms Strickland
1D-Ms Hope
1E-Ms Bartlett
1A-Ms Beamish
1B-Ms Floyd
1C-Ms Strickland
1D-Ms Hope
1E-Ms Bartlett

Upcoming Learning -Term 3, Weeks 2 & 3 

During the next fortnight, Year 1 students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:

ReadingStudents continue to engage in literacy activities using the Little Learners Love Literacy program. The focus texts for our reading relate to Sustainability and the Olympics. Our trigraph focus is the /air/ and /ear/ sounds, and the different spelling combinations.
Writing Students are learning about Information Reports and using synthesising and summarising skills to write facts. They continue to work on their handwriting daily using the Hartley Program.
MathsStudents are exploring Capacity and Mass through hands on learning and engaging in Chance and Data activities. 
InquiryStudents are expanding their knowledge of Sustainability and learning about the 3R's - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. 
SELStudents are engaging in learning activities through the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program, exploring Personal Strengths and Positive Coping Skills. 

Maths: 3D Shapes

Pyjama Day


Upcycling Incursion

SEL: Connections