Agriculture News

Dookie Food and Fibre Day
Recently, 20 students from Years 7-12 attending the annual Dookie Food and Fibre Day at the University of Melbourne’s Dookie campus. Students chose from a large range of workshops available that introduced them to a wide range of career possibilities. Workshops included beef cattle, dairy and AI, machinery and contracting, farriery, sheep and wool, vet science, bees, vineyards, pastures, environmental science and others.
Harvest ED
A small group of students from Years 7-9 recently participated in three online workshops with students from other Victorian schools and run by staff from the University of Melbourne. The focus was STEM and problem-solving in Agriculture and Horticulture. The students spent 6 hours over 3 sessions to come up with solutions to problems such as food waste and food security.
A Sense of Humus goes Tree-Planting
The Year 9 Sense of Humus class spent their final class of the semester near Kittles Rd planting a range of native trees and shrubs with Kylie Hoskin from Council as part of the One Tree per Child initiative. Students got to work planting, placing tree guards and mats around the trees, and watering them in.