Years 5 & 6

Students started working on Comparing and Ordering Fractions this week.
They started off with hands on concrete examples of fractions in real life such as Pizzas, cakes and looked groups. We learnt about the language of fractions such as the numerator and the denominator, divided by, out of as well as the symbols < smaller than and > bigger than.
Students applies Maths in real life and this was evident when they are playing in the yard. This week students have been playing in the 'Corner House' (as they named it) though it looks more like a mansion when they gave me a tour of the house.
They shared roles, rooms and planned their house plan using barks and rakes dividing the areas in the house based on who would be living there. Maths is everywhere and it is more real than sometimes we think it is. I love the expressions in their eyes when they were telling me how they build their house in teams.
Pippa was very proud of the size of her grandparents' carrot when she brought it to school on Tuesday. I had to agree as this was the largest one I ever saw or touched. Maths again is used to calculate the length and the weight of this giant carrot which would be fractioned easily by many rabbits. Apparently, was 35 cm and weighed 90 g according to some students.