This Week's Notes

Thank You
Thank you Frau Barber
This week, we say thank you and good bye to one of our long serving teachers, Frau Barber. Just like Ms Purnell, it is also very sad to see Frau Barber leave Cavendish Primary School this year. Frau has been at our school for over thirty years! She has not only built and promoted music at the school from scratch but she has been organising and implementing a wide range of music concerts including many Eisteddfods in Hamilton. We are very grateful for all she has given to Cavendish community and to rural education over the years.
We know Frau is off to Queensland soon. We wish her the very best in all her future endeavours as I know she will still be involved in musical performances and teaching in Hamilton. Alles Gute Frau Barber!
Rachel Huf
As we say our goodbyes to Frau Barber, we welcome back Mrs Huf who is the successful applicant as Frau's replacement for Music on Tuesdays. Mrs. Huf has worked as a music teacher not too long ago at Cavendish before she went on to have a baby. Mrs Huf will start teaching from next Tuesday and cannot wait to meet the students and families at Cavendish again.
My Movements - Next Tuesday and Thursday
On Tuesday, from 1pm, I will be at Dunkeld working with other principals from Casterton, Dunkeld, Merino and Coleraine regarding the completion of the mid-year review for the school's Annual Implementation Plan (AIP). On Thursday20th June, I will be attending Small Schools' Conference at Ballarat. I am very excited about this as this is my first small schools conference experience as I joined the committee.
School Council - 19th June via Webex
Our last school council meeting for Term 2 will be held online next Wednesday via webex. I am looking forward to the school council meetingas this will be my last one at Cavendish.
Transition Day - Year 5s to Baimbridge College
Next week, our Grade 5 students will spend Thursday, 20th June at Baimbridge where they get to experience what it is like to be at high school. They will have follow a high school timetable and get to move classes and meet different teachers and other staff.
Eisteddfod - Poem Reciting
Next Monday students will recite their poems as part of Eisteddfod. Ava, Sienna, Ivy, Aria Evie and Maddie.
Taekwondo - Years 3-6
It is senior students turn to do Taekwondo with Mukhtar in Hamilton the next two Mondays before the end of the term. Students will leave school at lunchtime and be back at the end of the day on time at 3:20 pm.
On Monday, Sienna performed her first ballet solo at Eisteddfod, she had so much fun and it was a wonderful experience! Congratulations Sienna!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Yashar Duyal
Acting Principal