Upcoming Events

Monday, 15th JulySchool Closure Day
Tuesday, 16th July Beginning Term 3 at 8.45am
Friday 19th July1/2SF Como House Excursion
Monday, 22nd July1/2D & 1/2G Como House Excursion
Wednesday, 24th JulyGrandparent's Day 
Wednesday, 24th July1/2SF Assembly and awards
Thursday, 25th JulyDan Petro Parent Evening 6:30pm-8:00pm
Friday, 26th JulyFeast of St Anne and St Joachim
Friday, 26th JulyYr3-6 District Athletics Carnival
Tuesday, 30th JulyInternational Day of Friendship
Tuesday, 30th July100 Days of Prep
Wednesday, 3st July1/2D Assembly and awards
Friday, 2nd August Principal's Day
Wednesday, 7th AugustPrep Assembly and awards
Wednesday, 7th August Yr 3/4 Sacrament of Reconciliation 6.30pm
Thursday, 8th August Whole School Mass - St Mary of the Cross MacKillop 10:00am
Monday, 12th AugustWorld Humanitarian Day
Tuesday, 13th August School Closure Day 
Wednesday, 14th August3/4S Assembly and awards
Friday, 16th August National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence
Monday-Friday, 19th-23rd AugustBook Week
Wednesday, 21st August 3/4G Assembly and awards
Monday-Friday, 26th-30th AugustBook Fair
Wednesday, 28th August 1/2G Assembly
Thursday, 29th August Father's Day Celebration 8:00am-9:30am
Friday, 30th August Father's Day Stall
Wednesday, 4th September3/4T Assembly and awards
Thursday, 5th SeptemberInternational Day of Charity
Friday, 6th September5/6 Basketball Tournament
Sunday, 8th SeptemberSacrament of First Eucharist 10:00am
Tuesday-Wednesday, 10th -11th SeptemberYr 3/4 Camp - Sunnystones
Wednesday, 11th September 5/6EH Assembly 
Thursday, 12th September3/4 Rest Day 
Wednesday, 18th September5/6N Assembly and awards
Friday, 20th September World Clean Up Day 
Friday, 20th SeptemberTerm 3 Ends at 2pm