Attendance Matters

Why is is important to attend school everyday?
We all want our children to get a great education and the building blocks for a great education begin with attending school everyday.
If students miss school regularly, they miss out on learning the fundamental skills that will set them up for success in the later years of school.
There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes.
Each missed day is associated with progressively lower achievement in numeracy, writing and reading.
Sickness – There are always times when students need to miss school, such as when they’re ill. It’s vital that they’re only away on the days they are genuinely sick, and developing good sleep patterns, eating well and exercising regularly can make a big difference.
If your child is sick - please encourage them to stay home and let the school know of their absence and reason through Sentral, contacting the office or emailing the school.
Top attendance tips for parents
- We want want to work in partnership with parents – act early if you have any concerns by contacting your child’s classroom teacher and asking for advice and support
- Remember that every day counts
- There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes and their social connectedness
- Talk positively about school and the importance of attending every day
- Open and prompt communication with your child’s classroom teacher and office staff about all absences is a good idea
- Avoid making routine medical and dental appointments or haircuts during the school day or planning family holidays during the term
- Seek help from your classroom teacher and the wellbeing team, if you are concerned about your child’s attendance and wellbeing. We want to work in partnership with you to support your child's attendance and wellbeing.