Red Class News 

with Miss Graham

Kinder & Year 1

Our K/1 students have been making great strides in their literacy skills! They have been working hard on their comprehension abilities and learning new tricky words, which is helping them greatly when reading. They have also been focusing on new sounds and letters to further expand their reading capabilities. The classroom is buzzing with excitement as students get better at reading and writing.

In numeracy, the students have been further exploring the concept of smaller numbers within bigger numbers. They continue to practice addition and subtraction, to help develop a solid understanding of these skills. 

Recently, they had the pleasure of delving into the concept of area with Mrs. Taylor, which was a fun and engaging experience for all. They also looked at how spaces are organised and designed their own 3D sculptures of things they think should be added to our school.

For the past six weeks, every Monday, our K/1 class has been working on their social and emotional skills through the Salvation Army program. This program has been a wonderful and the students have thoroughly enjoyed these sessions. They are learning valuable skills that help them interact positively with their peers and manage their emotions effectively.

We are proud of the progress K/1 are making and look forward to seeing their continued growth in all of these areas.