Cohort News

"I alone cannot change the world, 

but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” 

— Mother Teresa

Year 7 Pastoral Care


Dear Parents / Carers of Year 7,


We are now coming towards the end of Year 7s second term here at Brigidine College, we reflect on a term filled with learning, growth and memorable moments. Here is a recap of our achievements and important updates as we head into the break.


Academic Achievements

This term was particularly eventful for Year 7 with exams and assessment tasks. Congratulations to all students for their hard work during the term. The results have been impressive, and it's clear that the dedication to studying has paid off.


Pastoral Care

This term we have had guest speakers from Elevate Education deliver presentations on effective study skills and note taking. This was then followed up with additional sessions on dynamic reading and note making and mind-mapping skills. On Wednesdays we have also had a focus on ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’ where in Pastoral Care in the mornings the girls are either completing their fortnightly Pivot wellbeing survey or completing an activity surrounding wellbeing; gratitude and the mental health continuum.


Peer Support

On Thursday, as part of Brigidine's Peer Support Program, Year 7 and Year 11 students participated in a series of fun games and activities designed to build teamwork and communication skills. The event provided an opportunity for Year 7 students to bond with their Year 11 buddies, fostering meaningful connections and reinforcing the sense of community and support within the school.



A reminder that as students return to school for Term 3, they are required to continue wearing their winter College uniform. Please note that jumpers are NOT to be worn with the sports uniform. Additionally, students are not permitted to come to school with acrylic nails, nail polish, make up or false lashes. Please ensure these are removed before returning the first day back.



Looking Ahead (Key Dates)

  • Week 1 - Tuesday 23rd July: Students return to school and Year 7 Reconciliation Church and La Perouse Youth Haven Excursion 
  • Week 1 - Thursday 25th, Friday 26th and Saturday 27th July: School Musical Performance
  • Week 2 - Wednesday 31st July: Year 7 Taronga Zoo Excursion
  • Week 3 - Friday 9th August: Geography Fieldwork Excursion 
  • Week 6 - Monday 26th August: Year 7 Vaccination
  • Week 6 - Friday 30th August: Father’s Day Mass and Breakfast
  • Assessment Task Handbook for upcoming task dates


We are incredibly proud of the effort and achievements of our Year 7 students this term. Have a safe, restful and enjoyable break, and we look forward to seeing everyone refreshed and ready for Term 3.



Kathy Phetrasi

Year 7 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 8 Pastoral Care

Dear Year 8 Students and Parents,


As we reach the end of another term, I wanted to take a moment to thank each of you for your hard work and dedication in helping to make our term a success. I particularly want to commend each student for the way they’ve engaged in our modified sports program with Marcellin College. It started a bit bumpy with some hesitation but ended well. Well done!


As we head into the holidays, I hope you all find time to relax, recharge, and enjoy some well deserved rest. Whether you’re travelling, spending time with family, or simply taking it easy at home, make the most of this break. Watch all the TV, get outside and be active, play all the games, hang out with your friends - do what makes you happy and ready to come back for a busy Term 3.


A quick reminder for when we return next term: let’s continue to uphold the high standards of our school. Please ensure that uniforms are neat and complete, and that presentation is in line with our guidelines.  While you are, of course, free to get all the fake nails/eyelashes etc that you wish to in the break time, when you come back in Term 3 they must be removed. These small details help us all take pride in being part of Brigidine College.


Looking forward to Term 3, we’ll shortly begin our subject selection process for Stage 5 next year so please keep your eyes peeled for information from the college on this topic - exciting times ahead!


Thank you once again for a great term. I look forward to seeing everyone refreshed and ready for the new challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the second semester.


Warm regards,


Tom Inatey

Year 8 Pastoral Care Coordinator.


Year 9 Pastoral Care

Dear Year 9 Parents and Guardians, 


It is very hard to believe that we are already halfway through this year and halfway through your daughter's Year 9 school year. 


I would like to take a moment to commend our Year 9 students for their hard work and dedication throughout the term and the year. Their commitment to their studies and involvement in school activities has been truly commendable, and it has been wonderful to continue to witness them grow into the amazing young women that they are. 


Winter Appeal


As Term 2 draws to a close so does our Winter Appeal donation drive. It was truly incredible to witness the generosity of our Year 9 students in the donations that we received. This generosity is a testament to the kindness and servant-hearted nature of our students and a reflection of the characteristics of St Brigid. 


Well done to all who brought in donations!


Uniform Expectations


With the onset of colder weather, we remind you of our uniform policy to ensure all students are properly attired:

  • Winter Uniform:
    • Students are required to wear their blazer to and from school.
    • They may also wear their jumper under the blazer and an undershirt that is not visible.
    • The raincoat is only to be worn on rainy days.
  • Sport Days:
    • Students should wear their tracksuit jacket to protect against the cold.
    • Please note that jumpers and rain jackets are not part of the sports uniform.

We appreciate your support in ensuring students adhere to the uniform policy, helping to maintain a consistent and professional appearance.


The winter uniform will continue to be in effect throughout Term 3. Please ensure over the holidays that any re-hemming of skirts occurs before students returning to Term 3.


Heartfelt Thanks


I do wish you and your families a wonderful and restful Term 2 break and extend a heartfelt thanks to the parent community for the kindness and support you have continued to show me this year. I look forward to continuing our partnership next semester, working together to support your daughters through the remainder of Year 9.


Rebecca Monohan

Year 9 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 10 Pastoral Care

Dear Parents, Staff, and Students,


As we wrap up an exciting and eventful Term 2, we would like to highlight some of the memorable experiences and achievements that have enriched our school community. Among the many activities, our Year 10 Canberra excursion stands out as a highlight of the term.


Canberra Excursion Highlights

Our annual trip to Canberra was a success, providing our students with a firsthand experience of Australia's cultural and political heritage. The excursion was packed with educational and memorable visits to several significant institutions along with some great memories they have made with their fellow classmates and friends. 


Questacon: Students had the chance to experience science with a ‘hands on’ experience. 


The Observatory: Students learned about astronomical phenomena and had the opportunity to use telescopes to view the stars. 


Parliament House: A visit to Parliament house was particularly special for one group who had the fortunate opportunity to meet our local Member of Parliament. All groups were shown around Parliament and learnt about the House of Representatives and the Senate. 


The National Museum of Australia: Here, students explored Australia’s rich history from its ancient indigenous cultures to the present day. 


The War Memorial: Our visit to the War Memorial was a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made for Australia’s freedom.


Thank you to Mr Martin, Miss Hurley, Ms Chaloner, Mr Inatey and Miss McKillop for coming along on this trip and making it a very enjoyable experience for the girls. 




Subject Selection Interviews

Recently, we held our subject selection interviews, an essential step for our students as they plan their academic future. Students will make their final choices on the 26th of July via Edval. More detailed information about this process will be communicated soon, ensuring all students are prepared and confident in their subject choices for the coming year.


Founder’s Day Celebration

We ended Semester 1 by celebrating Founder’s Day. This day is a significant event for our College as we are honouring our rich heritage and the legacy of Daniel Delany, who founded the Brigidine Order in Ireland. This day is an important occasion for our community to come together, reflecting on our shared history and values.



Nikki McWhirter

Year 10 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 11 Pastoral Care


Dear Year 11 students and parents,


As we approach the end of Term 2 and prepare for a well-deserved break, I am delighted to share the highlights of our recent Year 11 retreat at the Benedict XVI Retreat Centre in Grose Wold. This retreat was not only a time for reflection and personal growth but also a profound opportunity for our students to connect with one another and build a sense of community.


The serene environment of the Benedict XVI Retreat Centre provided the perfect setting for our Year 11 students to step away from their daily routines and immerse themselves in a range of activities designed to foster self-awareness, spiritual growth, and a deeper sense of connection. From the moment we arrived, the girls approached every aspect of the retreat with an admirable level of maturity and enthusiasm. Their willingness to engage fully and reflect deeply was truly inspiring.


The retreat program included a variety of workshops, group discussions, and reflective practices, all aimed at promoting personal development and collective harmony. The students participated in everything from self-reflection sessions to team-building exercises, each activity reinforcing the values of empathy, understanding, and support. It was heartwarming to see the girls open up, share their thoughts and feelings, and support each other in such a meaningful way.


The feedback from the students was overwhelmingly positive. Many expressed how the retreat allowed them to gain new perspectives, understand themselves and others better, and feel more connected to their peers. This experience has not only enriched their personal lives but also strengthened the bonds within our Year 11 community.


As we look forward to the upcoming holidays, it is important for both students and parents to appreciate the value of taking time to relax and recharge. The end-of-term break is a crucial period for unwinding from the academic rigours and enjoying some quality time with family and friends. Whether it’s indulging in a favourite hobby, spending time in nature, or simply relaxing at home, this break offers a wonderful opportunity to rejuvenate and prepare for the challenges of the next term.


Parents, we encourage you to support your daughters in making the most of this time. Encourage them to reflect on the past term, celebrate their achievements, and set goals for the future. It’s also a great time to foster discussions about their experiences at the retreat and how they can apply what they’ve learned to their daily lives.


Looking ahead to Term 3, we are excited to welcome everyone back on Tuesday, 23rd of July. The new term promises to be filled with opportunities for learning and growth. We will continue to build on the positive momentum from the retreat, with a focus on academic excellence, personal development, and community engagement.


As we prepare to embark on this next phase of the school year, let’s carry forward the insights and lessons gained from our time at the Benedict XVI Retreat Centre. With a refreshed mind and renewed energy, I am confident that our Year 11 students will thrive in the upcoming term and beyond.


Lastly, I want to express my gratitude to all the students for their outstanding participation in the retreat and to the parents for their ongoing support. Enjoy the holidays, take time to rest and rejuvenate, and come back ready for an exciting and fulfilling Term 3.


Warm regards,


Tony Munguia

Year 11 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 12 Pastoral Care

As Term 2 concludes, we remind Year 12 students to make the most of their remaining time at Brigidine College. Recently, our Year 12s held a successful careers talk seminar, gaining insights into diverse professions from cyber security to personal training, and marketing. Special thanks to Mrs. Kehati, our Careers Advisor, for organising this informative event.


Year 12 Student Achievements

  • Senior Debating Team: Olivia Daley, Emily Smith, and Amelie Bald advanced to the second round of eliminations. Well done!
  • Madeleine Quinn: Selected for the U/18 Allies AFL team for the Australian Championships.
  • Amelie Bald: Chosen for the NSW Gymnastics squad to compete in the aero gymnastics national championships in Queensland.

Upcoming Dates

  • Trial HSC: August 5 - 19
  • Year 12 Retreat: September 11 - 13

We wish all families a happy and safe holiday!


Jon Campbell

Year 12 Pastoral Care Coordinator