Pastoral Care

"We have to nourish in order to flourish" 

—  anon.

Dear Students and Parents,


As we conclude this engaging term, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each of you for your dedication and involvement. Your collective efforts have made this term truly memorable. 


Before we all enjoy a well-deserved two-week break, I'd like to remind everyone of our uniform expectations for the upcoming term: please ensure that all uniforms are clean, complete, and worn with pride.  



The importance of maintaining school uniform standards is regularly communicated by Brigidine College. Students are very clear on the College requirements. Why do we have these high standards? 


There are widespread benefits of a consistent uniform policy for academic and pastoral growth. When an effective uniform policy is maintained by students and its implementation is supported by teachers and parents, it can build a sense of connection, improved behaviour and strengthened wellbeing.

  • Building a sense of connection A uniform is central to building a sense of community and belonging within a school. When students maintain the standard, it is clear that they are proud to represent their school in public. It is a way of showing their school spirit and identifying their place of learning.
  • Improves Behaviour  When students wear a uniform, it can lead to increased discipline and concentration and also a better relationship with their teachers. Maintaining standards means no reminders of consequences, and thus a positive environment for both students and their teachers. Wearing a uniform sets a boundary by placing a pupil in a ‘working environment’ mindset and sets a tone of seriousness and respect for the learning environment, where students can remain focused on their education.
  • WellbeingSchool uniforms place young people on a level playing field, reducing the pressure to wear the latest fashionable brands. This contributes to students’ wellbeing, removing the additional pressures of deciding what to wear and added stress of meeting the expectations of their peers. It also saves time in the mornings, thus contributing to punctuality and preparedness for school. Uniform removes the points of difference between students, and one less distraction, thus cohesion amongst  the student body, thus providing a greater focus on academic work.

We do have those one off mufti days for special events where students can show their individuality, but we recognise the need for a consistent regular uniform for the above reasons.


We look forward to your ongoing support in this area. 


Holidays and Student Engagement

Staying connected over the holidays is important for students to maintain relationships, share experiences, and support each other. It is important for students to make time to speak to their peers in person and arrange an activity like a walk at the beach, going to a cafe for a hot chocolate or studying together, as is a good way to develop their relationships away from the screens which can dominate the social life of a young person. 


If students are travelling this holiday period, check-ins via email/WhatsApp or video calls are encouraged to check-in with their peers.


Whilst the holiday break can be stressful for some, with increased isolation, maintaining connections for emotional support is crucial. Students can reach out to friends or trusted adults for conversations to share feelings and support each other. Senior students, in particular Year 12, are likely to be working hard ahead of assessment submission and the HSC trials, so it is critical for them to also factor breaks into the study schedule.


I hope students find the holiday break positive to refresh and recharge ahead of Term 3.


Sarah Charles 

Director of Pastoral Care