Curriculum & Data

"Curriculum should help children make deeper and fuller understanding of their own experience." 

—  Lilian Katz

Semester One Conclusion

As we wrap up Semester One it’s the perfect time to reflect on our academic journey. Here’s how students can make the most of their results and prepare for the rest of the year.


Focus on Feedback, Not Just Marks

It’s natural to be concerned about the marks and grades you received, but the real value lies in the feedback from your teachers. Detailed comments and suggestions on your assessment tasks highlight your strengths and areas for improvement. Review this feedback carefully and ask your teachers for clarification if needed. Understanding why you received certain grades can help you identify specific skills or knowledge gaps to work on.


Focus on What Works For You

Identifying what worked well during the first half of the year is crucial. Whether it’s a particular study technique, a consistent study schedule, or specific resources, understanding these successful strategies can help reinforce positive habits. Continue using these effective methods and refine them further. Parents can encourage their daughters by acknowledging their successes and motivating them to maintain productive habits.


Where can I improve?

Recognising and addressing areas that need improvement is equally important. View challenges as opportunities for growth. Whether it’s time management, understanding complex subjects, or improving exam techniques, focusing on these areas can lead to significant improvements. Seek additional resources like the Big Sister Tutoring for Maths and English or Year 12 after school study sessions in Synan Hall. 


With feedback and reflections in mind, create a revised study plan. This plan should incorporate your strengths and target areas for improvement. Setting specific, measurable, and time-bound goals can keep you focused and motivated. Parents play a vital role by providing a supportive environment, helping to monitor progress, and encouraging a balanced approach to academics and extracurricular activities.


Balance Academics with Well-being

While academic success is important, it's equally crucial to look after your mental health and physical well-being. Regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and mindfulness activities can significantly enhance your overall performance and happiness. Taking breaks, engaging in hobbies, and spending time with friends and family can help maintain a healthy balance. Remember, a healthy mind and body are essential for academic success and personal growth.


Let's make the second half of the year not just about achieving academic goals, but also about nurturing our well-being and enjoying a well-rounded school experience.



Trish Smith

Director of Curriculum and Data