Learning & Innovation

“Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.”  - Saint Augustine



With Term Two coming to an end, it's a perfect time for students to pause and reflect on their learning journey so far. For Years 7-10, having finished their assessments and waiting for their Semester One Report, this midpoint in 2024 is an ideal time to honestly evaluate their efforts and study methods, and identify any areas needing change. The end of Semester 1 is also a good opportunity to review the feedback received from assessments. Students should think about how to use this feedback to improve their learning and outcomes as they work towards their own learning goals.


Our Year 11 students are now entering their final term of Preliminary courses, which includes their last assessments. Term 3 is a chance to refine positive study habits that will carry them into their HSC year, starting in Term 4. The Class of 2024 is about to begin their final term of classes at the College, with Trial HSC exams starting in Week 3. For our senior students, assessments are opportunities to demonstrate not only their knowledge and skills but also the hard work and effort they've put into their preparation. After the Trial exams, collaboration becomes essential, as working together benefits everyone.

The mid-year break gives all students, regardless of their stage in the learning journey, a chance to pause, reflect honestly and reset their priorities and study habits.


July Holiday Workshops and HSC Masterclasses 


A significant number of HSC Workshops and Seminars have been prepared for Year 12 students in the upcoming break. Our Year 12 students are encouraged to be familiar with the session times and plan their holiday study schedule accordingly. A schedule for the holiday workshops and seminars may be accessed here.  Some workshops will be run face-to-face, whilst others will be conducted via Zoom


Sydney Catholic Schools are providing revision workshops for a range of subjects delivered by the HSC Specialists in the Term 2 holidays. These will appear in the aforementioned schedule. These workshops will be delivered online over Zoom and then made available on CANVAS. Our Year 12 students are encouraged to engage with the relevant Masterclasses to assist their preparation for the Trial HSC. 


Subject Selection 


This term, our Year 10 students started the Stage 6 Subject Selection process. Throughout the term, they completed activities to help them understand the link between subject choices, career paths, and further studies after school. On Wednesday, 26 July, students and parents participated in Subject Selection Interviews, a crucial part of this process at Brigidine.


Choosing the right subjects is key to your daughter’s success. We encourage Year 10 students and their parents/guardians to discuss subject preferences carefully. Our experience shows that families who work together to set and achieve goals find the Higher School Certificate more manageable. Clear, measurable goals allow your daughter to take pride in reaching her targets.


Early in Term Three, students will receive a Web Choices code via email to submit their course preferences. Students should choose courses that interest and challenge them while considering recommendations. More details about this stage will be provided at the start of the term.


Have a restful and safe holiday.


Vince Papa

Director of Learning & Innovation