Assistant Principal's


"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” 

— Aristotle

As we reach the end of the first semester we reflect on the progress made by all of our students and note the incredible hard work and dedication of all. Here at Brigidine we recognise the importance of nurturing the wellbeing of all students as we recognise that supporting wellbeing supports both learning and academic growth. We also recognise the importance of boundaries and we advocate that rules and boundaries are fundamental in creating structured, safe, and supportive environments for young people at school. Rules help young people develop the skills and attitudes necessary for personal growth, academic achievement, and social responsibility. 


Our College expects that all Brigidine students will:

  • develop and model positive behaviour to other students
  • communicate politely and respectfully with all members of the College community
  • comply with and model College values
  • behave in a safe and responsible manner
  • respect self, other members of the College community and the College environment
  • actively participate in College life
  • not disrupt the learning of others and make the most of the  educational opportunities
  • be punctual to all classes and College activities
  • follow a pathway of ‘Strength and Gentleness’, as they live out the charism of St Brigid each day.

At our school an important part of our Student Management Policy is the positive acknowledgement of student contribution to the College community. The College acknowledges that every effort should be made to affirm students for their efforts and achievements. For this reason, students are awarded merit awards for positive application in all areas of College life. These are recorded on COMPASS so that parents are aware of what is happening within the College.  


As we look forward to the next semester, and the opportunities that lie ahead, I remind you that all demerits are re-set to zero.  Resetting demerits provides students with an opportunity to start fresh and set new academic and wellbeing goals for semester two. 

A reminder that the College issues demerits as a tool to maintain a disciplined, respectful, and safe learning environment. Demerits help promote good behaviour and hold students accountable for their actions. 


A reminder that: 

  • 3 x demerits automatically triggers a Friday afternoon detention  
  • Mobile Phone automatically triggers a Friday afternoon detention 
  • Failure to attend a Friday afternoon detention will result in two subsequent detentions issued by the Pastoral Care Coordinator
  • Failure to attend a detention the second time will result in a meeting with the Pastoral Care Coordinator and the Director of Pastoral Care 
  • If a student receives three afternoon detentions in a term, parents will be notified and asked to attend a meeting with the Director of Pastoral Care and the Assistant Principal. This is a serious infringement and may result in an internal suspension.
  • Demerits are re-set to zero at the beginning of each new semester.


Have a lovely holiday and I look forward to working with you again next term.



Julie Norman

Assistant Principal