Student Learning

Foundation students were very excited to hear about our annual Spelling Bee and have been practising their spelling words!
During The Resilience Project we have been learning about Gratitude. AS a class we have then made our own Gratitude Tree. This learning can be continued at home by speaking with your children about what you, and they, are grateful for.
Throughout this week we have had the dental vans from Australian Dental Health visiting our school. Foundation students enjoyed checking out the Dental Van and having their teeth checked by the dentist.
Poetry has been a focus during our writing for the last few weeks. Students have learnt about repeating poems, onomatopoeia, rhyming poems and simile poems. Check out some of the fantastic poems that have been written!
During Skillzone students have been learning Croquet, they have had lots of fun learning new skills.
Year 1/2
Reading/Writing: To connect the students reading and writing, they have been learning about onomatopoeia. They used their knowledge to write a poem about fireworks, then added onomatopoeia to bring their poems to life.
Maths: The students have been learning different types of turns, including quarter, half and full rotations, as well as clockwise and anticlockwise directions.
PE: The students enjoyed learning how to play croquet. They learnt that it requires delicacy and skill rather than speed and strength.
Year 3/4
During The Resilience Project our lesson was about recognising mood changes in our selves and others and strategies to shift to a positive mind set. Fantastic discussion with the Year 3/4 students!
During Mappen we have be learning about disabilities. We have had discussions, researched and presented our new understanding. Well done Eliza, Paige and Abby!
Our students love attending their Art lessons with Mrs Kelly. We are always amzed by the wonderful creations they produce. During this term the focus has been on Book Week and then the Olympics. Using different mediums students have been able to produce a wide range of creations.