What's Happening

Term 3, 2024
Friday 20th September - Foodbank Food Fight
Friday 20th September - Last day of Term 3
Term 4, 2024
Monday 7th October - First Day of Term 4
Friday 11th October - Year Level Spelling Bee
Monday 14th October - Division Athletics
Friday 18th October - Junior Spelling Bee
Friday 18th October - Assembly
Friday 25th October - Student Free Day for Staff Professional Development
Friday 1st November - Pre-Prep Program Commences
Monday 4th November - Student Free Day for Report Writing
Monday 5th November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Friday 8th November - Senior Spelling Bee
Body Bright
Staff at Cobram Primary School are currently undergoing training through the Butterfly Body Bright Program. We would like to introduce the program to parents. Please see the photos below for information about the program and what it includes.
Spelling Bee
The CPS Spelling Bee is FAST approaching! This term, spelling bees have begun in the classrooms.
Six students from each year level have been chosen to compete in the Year Level Competition. Parents and spectators will be invited to this event. The Year Level Champions and Runners Up will compete in the Junior (Foundation to Year 2) and Senior (Year 3 to Year 6) Championship. Parents are encouraged to attend this exciting event which will be held in the Multipurpose Room. Predicted dates and times are below:
- Foundation, Year One and Year 2 competition: Week 1 Oct 11 @9:00
- Year 3 and 4 competition: Week 1 Oct 11 @2:20
- Year 5 and 6 competition: Week 1 Oct 11 @12:30
- Junior Championship: October 18th
- Senior Championship: November 8th
- Any changes to these dates and times will be announced through Compass
Top Spelling Tips From Mrs Boyer:
- Study your individual spelling words (build on 5 words rather than lots of different ones). If the word is bicycle - what does each part of this word mean? Are there other words that have a similar meaning or spelling? From this word you can learn to spell hundreds more. Dig deep and enjoy learning about words!
E.g. bi/cycle, c - alternative sounds, words that end in ‘le’
- Break the word into syllables to help you spell.
- Watch out for prefixes and suffixes.
- The spelling inquiries you have completed in class is a great place to find words.
- Your vocabulary words might be in the spelling bee :)
Here are some words you might like to study in preparation to the 2024 CPS Spelling Bee:
2025 Enrolments
Enrolments for 2025 are now open! Students that are new to a Victorian Government School can be enrolled through the online enrolment process. Please visit https://students.educationapps.vic.gov.au/s/ to register and submit an application. Paper enrolment forms are also available from the school office.
Every day is an open day at Cobram Primary School and we love to demonstrate our excellent teaching and learning! Please phone the office on 58721374 for a school tour.
Pre-Prep Program
We are very excited to announce that our Pre-Prep Program for 2025 Foundation students will commence on Friday 1st November. If you, or anyone you know, has not yet enrolled for Foundation 2025 please get your enrolments in ASAP to confirm a place for our Pre-Prep Program as enrolments will close soon.