Principal's Update

Welcome to the end of Term 3! I, for one, am very excited about the ending we have planned for tomorrow! Come along and watch our Foodbank Food Fight! Students will be enjoying a picnic lunch, on our new lawn area, at 1pm. This will be followed by a food fight, which promises to be lots of messy fun!
Congratulations to all students, families and staff on a brilliant community fundraising campaign! There have been many students excited about their fundraising and the worthwhile cause they are helping out.
Things to know:
- All students will participate in the Food Fight regardless of funds raised
- Students are to wear white/light/old clothes to school
- ALL BUS TRAVELLERS MUST bring a change of clothes for afterwards or they will not be able to catch the bus
- All other students are encouraged to bring a towel or a change of clothes if they would like
- Parents are welcome to take their child home after the food fight. Please notify your child's teacher prior to leaving
- Please note the office will be closed from 12pm due to preparation for the Food Fight. All visitors are asked to sign in on entry to the school. There will be a sign in table near the canteen
- 1:00pm - Lunch on the newly turfed area
- 1:00pm - Sausage Sizzle. No other canteen items available
- 1:30pm - 2:30pm - Food Fight Fun Run
- Get ready to get MESSY!
I hope everyone has an enjoyable school holidays and look forward to seeing everyone back fresh and ready to learn for Term 4!
Have a great holidays!
Claye Runnalls