News from our Principal..

...Mrs Clarke...
Welcome back to Term 4, which is an 11week term this year. School concludes on Friday December 13 with our school Music Showcase being held on 25th November, 5-6pm, and the school Presentation Morning being held on Thursday December 5, 9.00am.
2025 class lists are currently being compiled, please email admin ASAP if you have any special considerations for your student/s.
2025 enrolments are open and enrolment packs can be collected at the office and interviews booked.
Our 2025 Prep Transition mornings commence this Wednesday and run for 5 weeks. Register for the Gundy Gumnuts sessions through the office.
WORLD TEACHERS DAY is being held on October 25. Thanks to our PandC for offering to supply a breakfast for our staff to celebrate this day.
School Priorities 2024: Equity and Excellence
Educational Achievement, Engagement & Wellbeing, Culture and Inclusion
Attendance 92% or above
95% of students will receive a C or above in English
Consistent approach to the teaching of Reading by all teachers