Arts and Engagement

It's that hectic time of year again—Year 12 folio work is ending for 2024. 


In Visual Communication Design and Art Creative Practice, Year 12 students have diligently completed all practical work, critiques, and documentation for submitting their folios and bodies of work. Many lunchtimes and study periods have been dedicated to finishing and adding the final touches to various artworks and design solutions.


Creating a Year 12 art and design folio is a comprehensive process that allows students to express their creativity, refine their artistic skills, and document their journey. A folio is a curated collection of students' artwork showcasing their skills, ideas, and creative growth over the year. For Year 12 students, the folio often represents a significant component of their final grade and serves as a foundation for potential university applications or a career in the arts.


By carefully curating their work and documenting their process, students can create a compelling portfolio that fulfils academic requirements and acts as a stepping stone to further artistic pursuits.



Year 12 Visual Communication and Design: What is the best part of working in a folio subject like VCD?


Hannah Micallef Year 12 LE5

I love the creative side of Vis Comm, like creating design solutions for environmental concerns such as climate change. I made my solutions using a cabin design for a wellness retreat, focusing on more sustainable energy use.


Peter Tang Year 12 CO3

In Vis Comm, we did only 2 SACs, and that was great. Most of my work was more practical, exploring website designs and style guides. I focused more on the artistic aesthetic, and I enjoyed using Adobe Illustrator to bring my ideas and designs to life.


Gabby Castro Year 12 AQ1

The focus of my learning is more hands-on, and I enjoyed making my 3D models for my cathedral wall and altar. I explored the Gothic style in my design solutions


Cleyara Warnakulasooriya Year 12 PH1

I loved turning my designs into 3D models. My focus was on designing a restaurant that gives the aesthetic of fine dining for the cultural cuisine of Sri Lanka. I developed many menu designs and experimented with different looks and appearances to create the best outcome for my design problem.


Year 12 Art Creative Practice: What is the best part of working in a folio subject like ACP?



Abigail Cachart Year 12 LE4

I especially love being able to express my thoughts in many different art forms. My focus was on art that utilized optical illusions to address natural habitat loss and its effects on native wildlife. I experimented with painting on many different surfaces, with glass being my favourite.


Chelsea Thatcher Year 12 CO1

I love the ability to be creative, as few subjects allow you to be expressive. This year I have explored the themes of individual beauty vs expectation of beauty put on people by society. My art form is photography, and I have used the symbols of flowers to represent how we celebrate beauty in nature and old-style brass mirrors to focus on the beauty standards put on women that should be outdated but are not and remain the same in the contemporary world.


Agnes Lino Year 12 LE4

Making art is the best part of doing folio subjects! I also like doing theory because I find writing about other artists and knowing them pretty interesting. I have enjoyed coming into the art room at lunchtime and even on holidays, as we can spend all day making our art. I have learnt about different ways of looking and making art, and it makes you think about yourself in a deeper way. When I document my practice, I like the sketchbook to be like a diary.


Zarar Haider Year 12 PH1

The documentation of my practice made me think of more ways to approach my body of work. I have focused my art on Sports and explored Formula 1 motorsports and boxing. My art form was painting, and I started with oil paint, which was tricky, so I switched to acrylics, which was easier and more enjoyable. My painting practice really improved, and the second painting I really enjoyed, as my boxers in the ring look colourful and unique.