Year Level News

Including Specialist Subjects

Year 1 News

The Year 1 classes have been having a great time exploring our BQT topic of ‘how do we get healthy eating options and reduce food waste?’ by looking at how we can reduce our environmental footprint and exploring Ceres Community Environment Park on our recent excursion.


In week 7 we investigated the process for recycling paper, then designed some solutions for how we can reduce the amount of paper we waste in the classroom and finally used tools to make our own paper.  The students loved the process of making paper pulp, colouring it, pressing out our own paper and then adding decorative touches to it.


In week 8 we had a great time exploring where our food comes from at Ceres.  We went into the farm and investigated fruit and vegetables that are seasonal, learnt about composting and creatures that help the soil quality.  Students were able to make their own organic plant pot and bring home a seed to plant.  During our break times we loved exploring the risk-taking playground made from recycled and natural materials.  We are grateful to our parent helpers who came along and made this excursion possible.


A Day at the Museum!

Oh what a night!! 

Congratulations to all the students on a wonderful performance. You all should be so proud of yourselves. We hope you enjoyed it as much as the staff did and go away with some amazing memories.