Principal Report

Acknowledgment of Country

Newport Lakes Primary School acknowledges the Yalukit-Willam people of the Boon Wurrung in the Kulin nation as the Traditional Custodians of the lands and waterways of the school. We pay our respect to the Elders, past and present; and to our First Nations students and their families here today. We gather to share our knowledge, teaching and understanding, and pay our respect to the knowledge embedded within the Aboriginal custodianship of Country as the oldest continuing culture in the world.

Always was, always will be Aboriginal land.


Welcome to Week Nine of Term Three! 

Welcome to week nine. I hope that this newsletter finds you in great spirits, knowing that the excitement of football finals is about to begin. With only a week to go, we will reach the end of Term Three and what an incredible term it has been.  As this is my final newsletter report for NLPS, I have written a concluding paragraph at the end of the newsletter to acknowledge you all. 


A Heartfelt Thank You - School Performance ‘A Day at the Museum’

As the curtains close on this year’s school performance, we are filled with immense pride and gratitude for the incredible effort that has brought this event to life. I am sure that Carly has missed one spectator event, and I have been very fortunate to witness such a magical night! It was truly a night to remember, the culmination of hours of work, brought to life in ‘A Day at the Museum’ and it is only fitting that we recognise the countless hours of hard work, dedication, and passion that went into making this performance a resounding success.


A huge thank you to our talented students, who were the STARS of the show. It was a joy to see them shine in their roles with such enthusiasm and confidence, whether it was a solo role, band performance or a class act, singing, dancing, or helping behind the scenes, their commitment was evident.


A special acknowledgment to our dedicated teachers and staff, with particular recognition to our drama and music teachers (Michelle, Tracey and Jackson). Their guidance and encouragement assisted our students to flourish. From organising choreography and rehearsals, to crafting costumes and sets, their passion for the arts and commitment to our students’ growth made this performance extraordinary.


We would also like to extend our deepest appreciation to our parents and carers who supported this event in so many ways. Whether helping with costumes, volunteering time, or simply cheering from the audience, your involvement and encouragement mean the world to our students and staff alike.


And our behind-the-scenes crew, who worked tirelessly to ensure everything ran smoothly, thank you. From managing lighting and sound to coordinating stage transitions, their expertise brought the entire production together seamlessly.


NLPS are incredibly fortunate to have such a supportive community that values the arts and the education of our young people. To all involved, thank you, once again, for making  ‘A Day at the Museum’ an unforgettable experience. I, for one, have felt extremely privileged to be a very small part of the show! 


Term Three Achievements  

As I look back on the term that was, it’s been wonderful to reflect on our many highlights. In addition to providing some great academic learning experiences, this term saw us hosting some incredible extra curricular experiences to engage our students further:

  • Excursions to Melbourne Zoo 
  • Principals Day
  • 100 Days of Foundation Celebration
  • Melbourne Victory Program (selected students)
  • Coffee Catch Up sessions for parents  
  • 'Cool Guys' Program
  • VHAP English program 
  • Australian Maths Competition 
  • Science Week Celebration
  • AUSLAN Author Visit 
  • Book Week, Book Fair and Book Parade
  • Author Visits
  • Maths Olympiad/Explorer
  • Fathers Day Picnic afternoon
  • Parent Club Bunnings Sausage Sizzle 
  • Band Camp (selected students)
  • Sporting events such as district athletics
  • Outstanding NAPLAN results for 2024
  • An extravaganza School production
  • Curriculum Day Inclusive Education Training for staff

And most importantly, learning in our classrooms – wonderful, engaging learning occurs across the curriculum in all our classrooms, every day, and it’s been great to visit rooms and see the students focused on the tasks that are set and how proud they are of their achievements.  As you can see, we have so much to celebrate and be proud of at NLPS.



On R U OK? Day, our school community comes together to encourage everyone—students, staff, and families—to check in on one another and start conversations that matter. It’s a reminder to ask, “Are you okay?” and to really listen to those around us. By supporting each other and fostering kindness, we create a safe and caring environment where everyone feels valued and heard. Let’s all take a moment to reach out and show that we care, not just today, but every day!



Parent Club - Fathers’ Day Picnic and Sausage Sizzle Thank You

I wanted to take a moment to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Parent Club for the incredible effort they put into organising the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle and Father’s Day Picnic, held in August. Both events were a huge success, and it’s all thanks to the dedication and hard work of this committee. The commitment to bringing our community together, seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces, the wonderful atmosphere, and the delicious sausages were all a testament to the wonderful community of NLPS. Thank you to all involved.


Thank you - Additional Parent Volunteers

In addition to the above Parent Club volunteers, it is really impressive to see the dedication from parents who also volunteer their involvement. I have witnessed Milo Fortnightly Fridays, Classroom helpers, Parent Coffee sessions, Excursions, Book Fair, Lost Property Organisation, and much more, all in my short time here. A reminder that the scheduled final day of Milo Friday on the last day of term has now been cancelled.


Sun Smart Policy- HATS. No Hat No Play!

As the weather has got warmer, just a reminder that from Term 4 to 30 April, all students must wear a sun protective hat that shades the face, neck and ears for all outdoor activities. Hats can also be worn for all outdoor activities outside of the Term 4 to April time period, by parent or student choice. 


Staff and students are encouraged to wear hat styles that protect the face, neck and ears when outdoors, for example broad-brimmed, legionnaire or bucket. Baseball or peaked caps and sun visors are not considered a suitable alternative, as they do not protect the ears, cheeks or neck. Students who are not wearing appropriate protective clothing or hats will be asked to use available areas of shade when outdoors or a suitable area protected from the sun.   


Hats are available from our uniform supplier DSC Uniforms or at the office if you need to purchase new ones. Please ensure all items are labelled clearly with your child's name.  



School Saving Bonus for families 

You may have heard about the School Saving Bonus. A reminder to our families that you are eligible to receive the $400 School Saving Bonus in Term 4, 2024. This bonus may assist with expenses associated with education, like textbooks, school supplies, and extracurricular activities, by using the $400 School Saving Bonus.


The School Saving Bonus is in addition to existing and continuing means-tested support for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund and the Affordable School Uniforms Program.

The Department of Education is requesting parents and carers to do the following before October 18, 2024: 

  • Complete enrolment: If your child or children are entering Year 7 or Prep in 2025, or if they are switching government schools for Term 1 of that year. 
  • Verify the details of your contact information: Make sure your phone number and email address are current with us.

We need to ensure your contact information is up to date as the Department of Education will email you twice:

-           in October, to verify your email address

-           in November, with your $400 School Saving Bonus.

Please check your junk mail regularly to ensure you do not miss an important email.


To learn more about the School Saving Bonus, download the School Saving Bonus Information sheet for government school parents and carers or visit


School Council 

Our dedicated team of parents and staff that make up our School Council meet twice a term to discuss issues relating to the school and how to support the principal and school to provide the best educational outcomes for our many students. We met again this past Monday 9 August. The NLPS School Council has four subcommittees that meet prior to each School Council meeting and are always happy to have more members. 

  • Finance (School Budgets, Locally Raised Funds)
  • Education (Education Policy)
  • Facilities & Management (Buildings & Grounds, Out of School Hours Care, Hire Agreements)
  • Community Engagement (Uniforms, Events, Parent Clubs, Fund Raising)

For more information about the school council and its role, please refer to our website -  Our next scheduled School Council Meetings for 2024 are on Monday 21 October and Monday 25 November. 


2025 Foundation Enrolments

Confirmation of enrolment letters for Foundation 2025 were sent to families earlier in the term. Families who have not yet completed enrolment forms for their younger child/ren who are due to commence school in 2025 are asked to please complete enrolment forms as soon as possible. Enrolment forms are available on the school website, front office or are attached below. 

We are looking forward to welcoming our new students and their families to our school community during our transition program in Term 4. Further details regarding the program will be sent out in the coming weeks. 


Planning for 2025

It's that time of year when the leadership team begins working through 2025 planning, class structures and recruitment processes. As we continue the planning process for 2025, we would appreciate families notifying the school as soon as possible if your child/ren in years Foundation to Year 5 will not be returning to our school in 2025. 


Please email the school office - here. Please include your child's final day at NLPS and the name of the school they will be attending in 2025.


Early Dismissal at 2:15pm - Last Day of Term Arrangements

This is a reminder that Term 3 will conclude at 2:15pm on Friday 20th September.

A whole school assembly will be held outside on the football oval from 1:45pm, which parents and families are most welcome to attend. Students will then be dismissed from their classrooms at 2:15pm. Please plan accordingly for pick-up, and if care is needed for your children, consider using after-school care through QB. For more details, visit or call 03 9742 5040.


End of Term 

As the term draws to a close, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the support and trust you have shown me during my time as Acting Principal this term. It has been an incredible experience, and I am truly honoured to have had the opportunity to serve this wonderful school. Working alongside such dedicated staff, engaged students, and supportive parents has been an absolute pleasure. I hope that I have been able to touch the lives of students in a small way and have somehow contributed to the knowledge of the staff and leaders here. I also have so much to take away and feel that this has been a memorable and rewarding journey for me. From Term Four, I return to my usual role of Director of Teaching and Learning at Saltwater P-9 College (Assistant Principal). 


On behalf of all our staff, I wish you all a wonderful and safe term break. Carly will return to resume her role as Principal next term, and the staff look forward to seeing you back at school in Term Four, on Monday 7 October, for an 11 week term - which concludes on Friday 20 December 2024.


Best wishes to all and happy term break!


Taxia Katsouranis 

Acting Principal 



Whooping Cough update from Dept. of Ed

Whooping cough cases are continuing to increase across Victoria, particularly among school-aged children. 


Whooping cough is a very contagious infection, mostly spread through coughing or sneezing. Symptoms include:

  • blocked or runny nose
  • tiredness
  • mild fever
  • severe bouts of coughing, often followed by a ‘whooping’ sound on breathing.

Whooping cough can lead to life threatening infections in babies.


If your child is unwell, they should not attend school. Please see a doctor if you or your child develops whooping cough symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment will help reduce the spread of the infection.


Students diagnosed with whooping cough must not attend school

If your child is diagnosed with whooping cough, they must not attend school for 21 days after the onset of the cough, or until they have received 5 days of antibiotic treatment. You must notify the school if your child is diagnosed with whooping cough. 


To further reduce the spread of infection to your child and the school community, the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2019 require that some students who were in the same classroom as a student diagnosed with whooping cough should not attend school.


Your child should not attend school for 14 days after they were last exposed to a person diagnosed with whooping cough, or until they have taken 5 days of a course of antibiotic treatment if they are:

  • aged less than 7 years; and
  • not fully vaccinated with 3 doses of whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine.

This exclusion is required by law – refer to the School exclusion table for primary schools and children’s services.


If your child is diagnosed with whooping cough, please contact the school to let us know.



More information 

For more information about whooping cough, refer to Whooping cough on the Better Health Channel.


Vaccination is the best way to reduce the risk of whooping cough. The Department of Health recommends staying up to date with immunisations, including booster doses. A free booster dose of the pertussis vaccine is covered under the national immunisation program for students aged 12 to 13. If you are unsure about your child’s vaccination status for whooping cough, please discuss with an immunisation provider, such as your doctor.


We really appreciate your support in keeping our students safe and well.