Wellbeing Information
Smoking and Vaping near schools
We would like to remind our community that smoking and vaping are prohibited within 10 metres of the entire boundary of any school. This means that smoking/vaping along the footpath outside the school is not allowed.
Under the Tobacco and E-cigarette Products Act 1997, schools are smoke-free and vape-free. This includes early childhood services, education and children’s services facilities within 10 metres of their boundaries to address risks associated with passive tobacco smoking and passive inhalation of e-cigarette aerosol.
Visit Clearing the Air (SA Health) to learn more about new smoke-free and vape-free outdoor area laws.
The Therapeutic Goods and Other Legislation Amendment (Vaping Reforms) Act 2024 took effect in Australia on 1 July 2024. The law establishes nationally consistent rules on the importation, domestic manufacture, supply, commercial possession and advertisement of all vapes.
Big Emotions
The Alannah and Madeline Foundation have a range of resources and tips to support families in helping children to navigate complex feelings and big emotions. Some of these techniques can help our little people to process big feelings, which are caused by everyday stressors such as starting school, losing a beloved pet, or seeing something scary on the television. Working through these big feelings can also support our young children in building resilience .
PBL Whole School Celebration
Our Wakwakurna representatives were hard at work at the end of Term 3 and have come up with a list of Whole School Celebrations for our Term 4 PBL voting. Students are currently working toward/voting between an outdoor games afternoon, or a whole school water fight!