Principal's Report

I hope everyone is well and looking forward to the term ahead.

My 'buzz' word for Term 4 will be composure.  We all know what lays ahead this term. There are so many exciting events that will happen in and out of school. Some will be focused on the transition space and preparing your child for 2025. This might bring some anxiety and excitement. These are totally understandable emotions, due to the unknown elements and you not having the control to provide the answers as a reassurance for your child. My strongest recommendation when this happens, is to take a calm and composed approach to answering any questions your child might have.  The same approach needs to be applied when raising a concern with your child's teacher. It is an expectation that when concerns are raised, it must align with our school's parent code of conduct and established values. I have attached a link below to our 'Statement of Values and School Philosophy'. This policy provides clear expectations on parent, staff and student behaviours. I encourage everyone in our school community to take 5 minutes to read this document. There is no one in our school community who wants to be treated disrespectfully, and I thank everyone in advance for maintaining and prioritising respectful behaviours.

Statement of Values and School Philosophy Policy (Click here)


Colour Run Cancellation

 I have had a number of parents contact me regarding the cancellation of our school Colour Run. I totally understand the disappointment as a result of this decision; however, it was not taken lightly.

Our PFC do and have done an amazing job in my time at Langwarrin Park Primary School, to organise a huge amount of whole school events for our students and community. As you would understand, these PFC events are totally organised by parent/carer volunteers. Without these volunteers, any event that is planned, cannot go ahead. The PFC have been very pro-active with attempting to attract new members. At the moment, we only have a small number attending our regular meetings and this impacts on their ability to organise large scale events.

I understand how busy we all are, however if we do want these types of events to take place, it can only happen when we have the necessary volunteers.


Communication with Staff using Compass

I hope you have not experienced any technical difficulties being able to use Compass to email your child's teacher(s). As I said last week, we are working hard as a school to streamline our communication processes. Anything that is school related communication, it will be done using Compass. 

We are also transitioning our parent payments onto Compass as well. We see that this method, will provide much greater efficiency and convenience for parents.


DET School Saving Bonus

We have sent multiple correspondence out regarding the $400 school saving bonus. This bonus will be able to be spent on:

  • Camps, excursions and incursions
  • Swimming and sporting programs
  • Grade 6 Graduation
  • School uniform
  • Textbooks

We are at the final stages of finalising our parent payments for 2025. You may consider allocating a percentage of this school saving bonus towards these payments. 

For further information regarding this bonus, we have uploaded related documentation into the Documents section in Compass. You can access the Documents section via the Compass app.


2025 Intentions

Just another reminder to please let our school office know if your child will not be attending Langwarrin Park Primary School next year. This directly impacts on our 2025 workforce plan.


What's coming up @ LPPS

Monday 21st OctoberFoundation Swimming 
Monday 28th OctoberGrade 4 Swimming
Thursday 31st OctoberFoundation Dinosaur World Excursion
Friday 1st NovemberWhole School Student Free Day

Take care everyone,
