General Information & Reminders

Homework-Term 4
From the beginning of Term 4, students are still required to:
1. Read each night and record a minimum of 3 night’s reading in their diary and organise a parent signature.
2. Learn their weekly spelling words. The students should have 5 words recorded in their diary each week.
3. Work on assigned tasks on Matific. *This is optional.
4. Weekly homework task/ grid. *See below
Week 2-4
For the first three weeks of term, students will complete a science report based on a weekly experiment testing Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion.The first task will be completed in week 2.
Week 5-10
Students will complete tasks from their weekly homework grid which will be handed out week 4. The Rube Goldberg Machine is a compulsory task which the students will do at the end of the inquiry unit. Students will be guided on what to do and will be advised when to start this.