Celebrating God’s Creation During Spring
As we get excited for the upcoming school holidays, we can consider how to use this time to celebrate God’s creation during the wonderful season of Spring. School holidays provides us with the opportunity to connect more with nature and spend some time with family and friends soaking up the sunshine.
Song of Solomon 2: 11-12
See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come; the cooing of doves is heard in our land.
Some ideas for embracing God’s creation these school holidays include:
- Collect flowers and place them between newspaper sheets and a layer of cardboard.
- Plant butterfly attracting plants such as daisies and wattles.
- Picnic by a wetland.
- Create a nature journal.
- Listen for koalas grunting from gum trees.
- Use a net and magnifying glass to see what you can scoop in a creek.
- Walk along the beach to see how many white cuttlebones you can discover.
- Look out for Aboriginal art in your community.
- Collect fallen sticks and build a cubby or giant nest.
- Make a crown from sour sobs, lavender, or paper daisies.
- Create a potion using petals, pebbles, and other natural ingredients.
- Write a poem or story about how spring makes you feel.
- Adventure to a place you’ve never been such as a reservoir, botanic garden, or forest.
- Spend time in the sunshine in a new wild place.
Submitted by Erin Gracey