Teaching and Learning
Ms Ashley Kuusela - Assistant Principal / Mrs Peta Phillips - Acting Assistant Principal
Teaching and Learning
Ms Ashley Kuusela - Assistant Principal / Mrs Peta Phillips - Acting Assistant Principal
Dear Karoo Community,
What an amazing term we have had. Although we may be feeling a little tired and ready for a break, I wanted to capture how wonderful the term has been and recognise all the learning that has taken place here at Karoo. Here are a few of our highlights!
Izzy 6M
"The Expo was awesome because you got to watch people's faces light up as they won a prize"
Sage 6M
"Book Week was a real highlight because we got to see everyone's costumes."
Ms Brown
"The Kinder visits were a real highlight for me because the students really showed such maturity and kindness to the younger students"
Claire 1/2C
"I really loved making fidget toys because we got to test them out"
Mrs Hardware
"Book Week was fabulous because I loved seeing all the students celebrate their love of books and reading"
Ms Smith
"Science Day was my favourite day because all our students had the opportunity to explore and enjoy a day of Science"
Zoe FG
"I loved meeting with my Buddy because we got to do fun stuff together - they are really nice"
Mrs Gropel
"100 days of School was my favourite. I loved seeing the Dress Ups, celebrating our success and reflecting on 100 Days of learning"
Elias and Lincoln 4KV
"Hooptime was a highlight for us because we got to play against other schools, and we worked together as a team"
Leo 5D
"5/6 Sport was the best because we were showing teamwork and practised our skills against other teams. The best bit was we won all of our games"
Layla 3B
"Camp was my favourite because it was great fun and I got to make new friends and try new things that I've never done before"
After careful consultation, I wanted to update our Karoo community on our new Student Supervision Zones. We will now have 4 zones that are supervised by staff whilst students are outside at lunch and afternoon breaks. Please have a look at our updated Supervision and Yard Duty Policy for further information and a map of the 4 supervised Zones.
At Karoo Primary School, we always strive to consult and work collaboratively with our school community to ensure our policies and processes are as relevant and effective as possible. Therefore, please find the link below to our policies. Please take notice of the 5 polices listed below that have been updated to reflect the current practices that are occurring at our dynamic school.
Link to policies on Website:
Reports, Plans & Policies | Karoo Primary School | Rowville (karoops.vic.edu.au)
We appreciate the time you take to read through our policies and welcome your consultation. If you would like to provide feedback or have any questions, please don't hesitate to email myself, Peta Phillips at peta.phillips@education.vic.gov.au.
I wish all our students a wonderful break and I forward to seeing you around the school next term.
Warm regards,
Peta Phillips