Year 2/3

Year ⅔ have been presenting Google Slides presentations on Sweden (the author of our novel “Pippi Longstocking” is Swedish). They have been very entertaining and informative!
In Science, the class observed the chemical reaction of vinegar and bicarbonate soda and how gas was produced.
Our Religion focus has been on the Creation story and how we can care for our world. The children created artworks reflecting the idea of stewardship. This links well with our Science unit on “Changing States”, where the class is also learning about recycling and using our resources wisely.
ST1-6MW-S - identifies that materials can be changed or combined
ST2-6MW-S describes how adding or removing heat causes a change of state
EN1-CWT-01 plans, creates and revises texts written for different purposes, including paragraphs, using knowledge of vocabulary, text features and sentence structure
EN2-CWT-02 plans, creates and revises written texts for informative purposes, using text features
S1.1 recognise that God is present in their lives, the lives of other people, the Church and the whole of creation
S2.1 recognise God as creator and appreciate the wonder, goodness and beauty of all creation