Formal Transition

We have spent the most beautiful three orientation sessions this term getting to know our incoming 2025 kindergarten students. Every session has grown on the last, and the confidence of these young ones in the school setting has grown visit after visit. They have demonstrated many school readiness skills including drawing, talking, cutting and name writing to name but a few. Mrs Thomsen thanks our year four students for their support during each visit. These upcoming seniors will be buddied with our new kinders to ensure two strong years of friendship and support.
Any 2025 children wishing to attend All Saints’ formal transition program in term four must hand in their enrolment forms by the end of term. If this has not already happened, please ensure this is finalised before our term four sessions.
Dates and times for term four transition:
Thursday Week 2: 24 October 9 am - 12 pm
Thursday Week 4: 7th November 9 am - 12 pm
Thursday Week 6: 21st November 9 am - 3:10 pm