Welcome to our Social Work Students!
This term, we have two Social Work Students from Flinders University working in our school. They are currently studying in their final semester. Both are excited to be working with us for their final placement and they look forward to getting to know everyone.
I am Xiajun Ye and I'm from China. I’m compassionate, kind and patient.
I love music, cats and dogs. My message for the students is that "it’s okay to feel all kinds of emotions. You can always talk to someone you trust. I’m here to listen and help."
I am Sashya Karunakalage and I'm from Sri Lanka. I am very outgoing and am quick to make friends with everyone. I love animals, especially dogs.
My message for the students is "comparison is the thief of joy! Always be kind to yourself!"
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
As part of our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) initiative, both staff and students have been working together to finalise clear expectations for behaviour in the school yard. Our review of behaviour data revealed that students—and occasionally staff on yard duty—are sometimes unsure about what behaviours are allowed in specific areas. For instance, can students play chasey/tag on the playground? What are the rules for ball games in the shelter shed?
To address this, we began a process late last term to establish clear, positive expectations that will be taught, practised, and reinforced in the yard. Visual aids will also be provided to help students remember these expectations. Teachers have actively sought input from students, and we anticipate finalising these guidelines in the coming weeks.
The goal was to create positively stated expectations that focus on what students should do, rather than what they shouldn't. We've aimed to make these expectations observable, measurable, and easy to remember. This initiative is designed to reduce behavioural issues, strengthen relationships between students and staff, and create a more predictable, low-stress environment.
Once the expectations are finalised, we will share them with the entire community.
Simon Davis
Student Wellbeing Leader