Senior School News
Ag Class
Mrs Upjohn's students across the Middle and Senior Schools have been involved in planting and growing mustard as a cover crop for Winter. The original mix included some clover but from early on the mustard took over the garden bed. The crop has been left to flower which provides food for the pollinators in the area. Stage 5 will look to mulch the crop back into the garden bed which will be followed by planting lucerne. Students have been learning about the importance of legumes and their role in sustainable farming practices by fixing nitrogen in the soil. The lucerne will be grown and cut to feed the animals on the farm.
Senior School
The HSC exams started last week with English Standard, Music and Primary Industries.
We are starting to finalise the organisation of the upcoming Year 12 formal. There are still tickets available but if you are planning to attend please purchase them promptly.
Year 9 English are currently reading Anh Do's book, the Happiest Refugee, to learn about growth, identity and how we can be shaped by important events in our lives.