Principal's Report
Thunderbolt's Festival on Saturday
Our school will be participating in the Thunderbolt's Festival on Saturday. We invite students to join us to be on the float and be a part of the parade. Students need to be at the bus bay at the school at 9.30am. Students should dress in "loud" clothing as part of the theme for this year. All students will need to be collected at the end of the parade at Alma Park.
Our P&C are also selling hot dogs and home cooking at the park after the parade. Thank you to the parents and students who have offered to help on the day. If you are able to help, please contact us at the school so we can pass your details on to our P&C members.
New England Sings 2024
Also this weekend, our committed group of New England Sings students will perform at their event on Sunday afternoon. All students will travel by bus on Saturday for their rehearsal and then perform on Sunday afternoon. I congratulate our students for their commitment to learning their songs and for attending rehearsals here at school, often in their own time. Thanks also to Miss Matsui for preparing them for the event. Good luck everyone!
Assembly on Tuesday
Our first assembly for Term 4 will be held on Tuesday from 11.30am in the hall. We invite all parents and community members to come along and join us.
School Development Days
At the end of the year, schools have been allocated two school development days (Thursday 18 and Friday 19 December). The staff at Uralla Central School have decided to work these days off staying at school longer on a number of afternoons to prepare our plans and programs for 2025. Students finish school on Wednesday 18 December. Staff will finish school on Thursday 19 December 12.00 noon.
Jury Duty
Along with a number of other staff, I have been called for jury duty from today onwards. If I am required to be on the jury, this could be for up to 2 weeks. I apologise for my absence during this time.
Please Bring Equipment to Class
It is essential for every student to bring their required equipment to class each day. There are a number of students in our middle and senior schools who arrive at school without pens, pencils, books, etc and this makes it very hard for them to complete the required work. Can I ask every family to ensure that their children are bringing the things they need for every lesson. As always, if the school can help in providing equipment for you, I am happy to provide this for students.
Uralla AECG Meeting
The next Uralla AECG meeting will be held next Wednesday 30 October from 3.45pm at the Uralla Bowling Club. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Shirts for Years 5, 6 and 7
Orders for personalised school shirts have been distributed for students who will be in Years 6, 7 and 8 in 2025. We are ordering shirts for all three year groups so no year group misses out on a shirt. From next year, students in Years 6 and 10 will be offered a shirt while students in Academy will be offered a jersey. Please ensure your shirt orders are in by the closing date if you wish to order one.
Brad Hunt