Upcoming Events

Term 4 Planner | See what's coming up


Events Coming Up


Swimming Program | 14 October - 25 October 2024


Please return the pink Federation Pre-program questionnaire ASAP to your child's teacher.


Permission and payments are required no later than Tuesday 8 October 2024.


Fun Run Sponsorship | Wednesday 18 September 2024 | 11:45am-12:45pm




Sponsoring ** NOW OPEN **

To be in the running all sponsorship must be received by Wed 9 October 2024


Help raise money for the School Community Mural.


Dress up as anything Olympic! It could be your favourite athlete, dress in our team colours or as your favourite athlete/ sport…the options are endless! 


We encourage students to strive for a “personal best”, with a lap of the block being one official lap.


Students run/walk as a whole school for one hour during the school day



Japanese Day Sushi Lunch Order | 19 September 2024




Orders open 14 Aug - 17 September 2024. 


Orders close 9am Tuesday 17 September.