Ryan’s Rambling 

Message from the Principal 

Dear Families,


Can you believe it’s the end of Term Three? I struggle to understand where this year has gone. 


On Monday, I had the pleasure of escorting five of our Grade 6 Leaders to the Townhall to meet with the mayor and a number of representatives from the Ballarat City Council to undertake a meeting around a youth advisory forum. All students had the opportunity to feed into the forum, which will begin next year. I was quite proud of our students who were able to think quite diligently and carefully about how students and children across the wider City of Ballarat could get involved with feeding into important issues that affect them. 


Our Strategic Review process continued this week on Wednesday with our review panels spending the day meeting with some parents, students and spending time in our classes.  Thank you to the many parents who met with the review panel and were able to give some targeting specific feedback on areas that we may like to improve in the next four years of strategic planning. I look forward to finalising the review process next week and dedicating and a bit of time over the next few weeks to consolidating our strategic plan and sharing it with their amazing community. 


On Wednesday this week, nine of our Grade 5/6 students represented at school at the 9x9 football competition at Victoria Park. Despite the results of the day, I couldn’t be prouder of the way the boys looked after each other and demonstrated our school values. The boys’ conduct attracted the attention of one of the teachers from one of our opposing schools, and he took the time to come over and commend our students for the way, they conducted themselves. Again, another very proud moment.


I had the absolute pleasure of attending our 3/4 camp this week along with our amazing 3/4 team, students and parent helpers. I’ve had the pleasure of conducting a number of camps over the course of my career, and this would have to have been one of the highlights of those camps.  The way that our students behaved and showed our school values throughout the entire time on Camp was nothing short of incredible. No doubt there would be some very, very tired eyes come this afternoon. 


Next week, we have a very, very big, action-packed week. On Wednesday we have our Fun Run so please, please, please continue to get sponsorship and raise as much money as possible before the big event. On Thursday we have our annual Japanese Day, and I know Bec Sensei has been working around the clock to assemble an amazing array of fantastic, cultural and linguistic activities for our students to enjoy. 


As it is the end of term, please feel free to join us for our values assembly on Friday morning next week. The students in 1/2 and 3/4 will enjoy football clinic from the Western Bulldogs Football Club. I also know that there’s a number of authentic action days and celebrations planned across the school for our inquiry learning  


Have a fantastic weekend  

