Newlands in a Nutshell
Here is a snapshot of the important things you don't want to miss in this newsletter! Be sure to read for a more comprehensive rundown of all things happening in Newlands.
- Luke Cripps has been provisionally appointed as the Principal of Newlands Primary School
- School Concert Video Available!
- Youtube links in the newsletter - Pyjama day (Friday 11th October)
- Grade 6 fundraiser - gold coin donation - Community RAP meeting (15th October at 2:30pm)
- All NPS community members invited - Mango Fundraiser
- Order your mangoes by Thursday 24th October - Fete de la Primavera (Saturday 9th November)
- Sign up to volunteer at a stall
- Items still wanted, see the fete page - School Dental Visit (11th November)
- Permission information sent home this week - Rockin' Resilience Day (14th November - 2:30 - 4:45pm)
- All families invited
- Consent form by 7th October