Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,

 I may be a week late with the link below, but I believe it will still work. I shared the attached article on a newsletter in 2019 and re-discovered it during the past week while I was sorting out some folders on my computer. It’s a great one for dads and since Father’s Day has only just been and I won’t be writing this newsletter for next Father’s Day, I thought it worth sharing again. It concerns the benefits of Dads playing with their kids. I hope you enjoy it.


COMMUNITY CONSULTATION The process for finding a new and improved model of principal for our school is well underway and I thank those children, staff and school councillors who have made themselves available to meet with our school’s Educational Consultant, Lee, who will be driving the recruitment and appointment process on behalf of DOBCEL (Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Limited).

Lee has asked me to include a letter in today's newsletter inviting all parents from our community to complete a very brief online survey to help guide the deliberations of the panel that Lee will appoint to choose the next principal.


BOOK FAIR A very big thanks to our Librarian Mrs McVilly and Mrs Daffy who organised and manned our Book Fair last week. Thank you too, to families for supporting the fair. With over $8 000 in sales our school has earnt just over $3 000 worth of new books for our library. A great effort!


HEALTH ALERT No new reports of Whooping cough (Petusis) this week at school. However, it is probably safe to assume it is still circulating in Colac. Parents are asked to remain vigilant where the kids have a persistent cough and have them tested to help us eradicate this illness from our community. 


What is pertussis (whooping cough)?

Whooping cough affects people of all ages. It can be especially serious for babies under six months of age who have not had the chance to have three doses of the Whooping cough vaccine. Whooping cough is a highly contagious respiratory infection and is spread by coughing and sneezing. People living in the same household as someone with Whooping cough are especially at risk.

Whooping cough usually begins like a cold and then the characteristic cough develops, with bouts of uncontrollable coughing followed by vomiting, choking or taking a big gasping breath which causes a "whooping" sound. The illness can last for many weeks. People with pertussis are considered infectious from the start of symptoms until 21 days after the onset of cough or until they have completed five days of a course of antibiotic treatment.

Vaccination reduces the risk of infection and severe disease. Immunity decreases over time so it is important to be up to date with vaccines. Children and adolescents are vaccinated against Whooping cough as part of the Australian Immunisation Program. Pregnant women should receive a Whooping cough vaccine during each pregnancy. Adults can receive the whooping cough vaccine every 10 years.




The following information has come directly from the Health Department

To prevent further spread of pertussis (whooping cough) to other people, the Barwon South West Public Health Unit (BSWPHU) advises that you please:

  • Exclude children and staff with Pertussis from school whilst infectious
  • Exclude children aged less than 7 years who are not fully vaccinated AND were in the same room with a child diagnosed with Whooping cough (referred to as “contacts”)
  • Children with pertussis must not attend primary school for 21 days after the onset of cough or until they have completed 5 days of a course of antibiotic treatment. This is legislated under The Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2019 (Schedule 7).
  • Staff with pertussis should not attend school for 21 days after the onset of cough or until they have completed 5 days of a course of antibiotic treatment.



A reminder to Parents/Carers to complete a 'Parent Notified Absence' in Pam or phone the School office - 52 315292

 before 10:00am the day of your child's absence.

This is an important reporting requirement.

Thank you for your assistance with this matter. 



Jack Lenaghan - Principal