CAPA and Languages

Creative and Performing Arts, Languages Faculty

Visual Arts:  

Congratulations to Year 9 visual arts, who represented Camden High School as part of Public Education Week from the 5th – 9th of August. Students' landscape paintings of the Camden area were included in a public art exhibition held outside Camden Public School and various locations around Camden. The exhibition was a fantastic demonstration of the high quality work produced at all the local public schools representing the theme of 'Proud to Belong'. 

You can see more images of the exhibition and launch here:  


HSC Drama:  

In Week 7, Year 12 Drama completed their practical examination, where they were externally marked on their Group Performances and Performance Individual Projects. The students did a fantastic job and ensured they gave the markers every opportunity to award them. Below are some photos from their final dress rehearsal. 


Students in Year 12 can choose from one of 10 options for their Individual Project. Along with performance, this year we had students complete projects in set design, costume design and theatre criticism. Below are some photos of their completed works, before they were sent off to the marking centre 




On Wednesday 14th August, 7G and Year 12 welcomed 4 Japanese visitors from Kashiwa City in Japan. Kashiwa is Camden’s sister city and we have been having online conversations with some Kashiwa Junior High School students across the last 12 months.  


Both classes enjoyed learning new vocabulary, playing games and hearing stories from the visitors.  

Also, on Wednesday 28th August, 7G and Year 12 also participated in a sumie workshop. The students learnt about the history of shodo and sumie, and practiced their Japanese calligraphy skills.