Grade 3/4 News

Loving learning every day with Mrs Jacobs and Miss Mawby!


Taking inspiration from our mentor text, The Day The Crayons Quit, have been writing letters to Miss Mawby's rather mischievous dog, Yato, who it appears has been mistreating his toys. We have been writing from the point of an over-used tennis ball, and a rubber chicken who just wants to be played with.



Sit down and listen! You need to use me every day. it's because my squeaker is scary, isn't it? Could you please use me for once! You can annoy the cat.

-Hunter 3/4A



Okay, listen her pup, we need to chat and I'm not listening to your silly excuses. You have never touched me once since your owner brought me. The only time you have is to try get rid of me. It's because I'm loud, isn't it? Could you please just play with me even if it's for a little bit. I promise  won't squeak too loud next time you squeeze me. Please just give me a chance mate. I think we could agree for you to play with me.

Your lonely friend, 

Squeaky Chicken

-Amelia 3/4B



LISTEN TO ME! You have played with Tennis ball twenty-four seven and it's not fair! It's because you're scared of me, isn't it? Could you please for once in your life play with me! Pretty please? I think  we could agree that I never, ever get used.

Your never used friend, 

Mr Chicken  

-Asher 3/4B



Listen here mate! You have not used me in the last four years, ever since you were a puppy. It's because you are scared of me, isn't it? Could you please use at least once in your life to annoy the cat.

-Skylar 3/4A



We have been super busy in maths looking at decimals, money, statistics, and time. We are practising adding and subtracting with money, and telling time to five minutes. We have also been gathering statistics on the amount of disposable wrappers we bring in our lunch box, and tallying them every day. We will be using this data to make graphs to shwo how much rubbish comes to school. 


Integrated Studies

We are continuing our work on First Contact, and looking at the way in which history is communicated and culture is passed down over time. We have looked at Aboriginal Artwork and stories, and explored what life was like for convicts who had been sent to Australia.