Foundation Class 

Miss W, supported by Mrs Novinec


We have been learning all about the Olympics in Prep these last few weeks in literacy and numeracy. We have been building our background knowledge about the Olympics and using a great text called Koala Lou to work on our sentence structure, vocabulary and literacy knowledge.


We were also very lucky to have Eva’s grandfather come in to show us the Olympic torch he had the privilege of running with at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. The Preps were fascinated with the stories and information that Greg Lofts gave them. They were all very lucky to be given the chance to hold the torch. Thank you Greg for taking the time to come and talk to us about your amazing experience.

We have also incorporated maths with an Olympic theme and have had a lot of fun learning about different maths skills.

The Potato Olympics: A Spud-tacular Extravaganza!

Welcome to The Potato Olympics, the most exciting way for students to explore the numeracy in Olympic events with their very own potato athletes. Here's how our spud-tastic events rolled out:

Potato Preparation Each student picked a potato, gave it a name, and drew a face on it. Picture a room full of Picasso-level potato portraits. Once our athletes were ready, we watched real Olympic footage to get inspired. Then, it was time for the main events!

Event 1: Long Distance Rolling In the spirit of marathon runners, our potato athletes faced the ramp. Students rolled their potatoes down and measured how far they travelled. Some spuds were speedy, while others... well, they preferred a leisurely pace.

Event 2: Diving Each potato athlete took the plunge from a 1-meter height into a tub of water. The splash zone was epic! Students measured the water displacement, and the biggest splashes came from our more "robust" potato athletes. We learned about capacity and had a splash-tastic time!

Event 3: Gymnastics For the balance beam, we lined up 10 straws across two trays. Students carefully balanced their potatoes on the straws and removed them one by one until their potato took a tumble. We discovered that potatoes aren't the best gymnasts, but they sure made us laugh!

Event 4: Velodrome Students flicked their potato athletes around the inside edge of a pool noodle track, timing how long it took for a lap. This event tested our patience and our potatoes' sense of direction. Some potatoes cruised, while others took scenic routes.

Event 5: Weightlifting Students predicted how many weights their potato could bear before collapsing. The potatoes bore their burdens with the grace of true champions. We learned about weight and resilience, and discovered that potatoes are stronger than they look!

The Potato Olympics brought math to life with a lot of laughs. Who knew learning could be so a-peeling?