Learning Specialists

Maths at MRPS
There is certainly a lot happening with maths at our school!
We are in the middle of finishing a twice weekly program for some students giving them challenging maths tasks to solve, either as a group or by themselves. This has been run by Kyra, the other Learning Specialist, and has certainly given students a different way at looking at solving maths problems.
This term we have extended our Getting Ready in Numeracy (GRIN) to students in Years 3 and 4. Each group has a maximum of 4 students so the tutor can make sure each person understands what they will be learning about in Maths that day. Each group meets twice a week and practises number fluency as well as show their understanding of the vocabulary they will be using in the class lesson. This supports their understanding of what they will learn and is also accompanied by a short activity similar to the class lesson. As Sophie (Year 4) explained, "I knew what to do because I'd learnt it in GRIN. I understood the words and what they meant".
Later in the term, we are holding a Family Maths Night. This is an opportunity for all students and their families to join teachers to complete some fun maths activities. There will be a range of activities suitable for all ages and abilities. It would be great to see as many families as possible attend, so save this date:
Monday 2nd September from 6 - 7pm.
This is the beginning of Literacy and Numeracy week so perfect timing! There will be an invitation to attend coming home shortly. We would appreciate the RSVP being returned so we can resource the evening adequately. We look forward to seeing as many families as possible there.