What's On in 1/2

Towards the end of Term 2, our 1/2 students were excited to spend some quality time with their 3/4 and 5/6 buddies! The visits focused on building connections through play, reading together and collaborative learning. As an added bonus, our buddies were able to assist with our preparation for our Reader’s Theatre performances! Fast forward to this week and 1/2C had the opportunity to meet with their buddies to take place in their own Olympic Championship! We look forward to seeing our buddies again over the next few weeks.
During Term 3, 1/2 students will be learning all about beneficial insects and minibeasts. Our garden sessions will help to explore minibeasts in our environment. We are especially looking forward to making insect hotels! Already this term, we have had an opportunity to track insects in the garden and create seed packets for calendula seeds (which provide a good source of nectar and pollen for both native and introduced bees)!
Reader’s Theatre:
At the end of Term 2 the 1/2 team was treated to a show, with some amazing performers displaying their theatrical skills! We were so proud of all our budding theatre stars, as they dedicated time to rehearsing scripts and creating props ready to shine on stage. Our aim to practise reading with fluency and expression was exceeded by all students, perhaps we may even see some of you on the red carpet in Hollywood in years to come!
Term 3 has already provided many opportunities for our students to continue to explore and consolidate their understanding of mathematical concepts! This week, we explored some algebraic thinking through visual and number patterns. It was wonderful to see the 1/2 students making connections and explaining their thinking with reasoning.