Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

Briony Zagame

Year 3 & 4's joining SAKG 

This week was the Year 3 & 4's first SAKG class, and excitement levels were high! 

In the classroom we began by naming our groups. This Semester we have:

 'Go Bananas!', Chunky Avocados and Cracking Carrots.


Everyone was excited to head outside to attempt their Wheelbarrow Licence. Cody, who gained her licence last year, capably assisted assessing her classmates for their test.  All students were relieved to hear they passed, and they will have their licence card presented to them at assembly in Week 6. 

Eadie and Harrison emptying their wheelbarrows
Campbell displaying his 'L' plates while going for his Wheelbarrow Licence.
Cody assessing Tom and Campbell
Eadie and Harrison emptying their wheelbarrows
Campbell displaying his 'L' plates while going for his Wheelbarrow Licence.
Cody assessing Tom and Campbell

A tour of the garden found that there are still some strawberries in the patch! Everyone was able to enjoy one, before heading to the farm to meet the animals. The animals were very excited to see everyone and Leon the sheep enjoyed lots of cuddles from the students.

checking out the hot house
Don completing his 'Garden Fork Walk'
checking out the hot house
Don completing his 'Garden Fork Walk'

Week 3 and 4 will be kitchen classes. If you would like to help out (no ongoing commitment) please let the school know. The students and I would love to see you!

Leon was a class favourite
Eadie feeding Leon
Archie managed to catch a duck to hold
Leon loved the attention
Tom feeding Stripes
Leon was a class favourite
Eadie feeding Leon
Archie managed to catch a duck to hold
Leon loved the attention
Tom feeding Stripes